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Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) Page 6

  Amber had no idea where her sisters had gone but was glad that she had Heidrek as he held her hand and met the men’s eyes. Based on their expressions, she was pretty sure he’d shocked the Sigdir brothers with his assertive interruption.

  “It seems you forgot to bring my queen’s sister to sit with you.” Heidrek lowered to one knee and bent his head to Amber, words soft. “Thank you for the music you offered us.”

  “No, stand.” She pulled him to his feet and shook her head. This was only supposed to be a brief introduction so she could apologize to Kol. Not a request that they thank her.

  If there was a poster boy for the proudest father on Earth, it was Raknar as he nodded. “You are right son.” His eyes met hers. “Thank you, Amber.”

  The king nodded at the boy. “Heidrek.” Then he nodded at Amber. “Your music was beautiful. On behalf of my people, I thank you.”

  “My pleasure.” Amber smiled, a little shy beneath their avid evaluation. “It was fun.”

  Then she was introduced to a pretty blond named Meyla who was Naðr’s daughter and her husband, a Scotsman named Valan. Few words were exchanged before they politely returned to a previous conversation.

  Kol muttered something under his breath and her eyes shot to his. She supposed now was the time to offer that apology but the words died on her lips when he pulled two women onto his lap.

  When the king frowned at him, Kol merely shrugged, his eyes never leaving Amber’s. “Did you wish to say something to me, woman?”

  Not petulant by nature, Amber decided he was making the best move possible. After all, she wasn’t here to hook up with him…and she had kneed him in the balls. So she cleared her throat and behaved like an adult. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.” She offered a small grin and tried to ignore the beautiful women fawning all over him. “I tend to get a little overprotective of instruments.”

  “Not all instruments,” he remarked.

  Her brows perked. Had he just referred to his penis as an instrument? Then again, she imagined he could create his own brand of music with it. “Well, at least the ones I play…I mean handle…touch…” Awe, hell. She shook her head and looked skyward. “You know what I mean.”

  Clearly baffled, the king and Raknar looked from Amber to Kol.

  Kol had a firm hand on his women’s thighs and if she wasn’t mistaken, a challenge in his gaze.

  She wasn’t about to give him what he hoped for. If there was one thing she more than understood, it was the freedom to live and let love. Did she feel a little twinge of something close to jealousy? Maybe. But she certainly wouldn’t admit it. She couldn’t stand that emotion and had dealt with it far too often over the years. The only one who ever seemed all right with her particular nature was Sean. If he was ever jealous, he kept it well hidden.

  Kol finally nodded and though he didn’t quite smile, his eyes softened. “I’ll be sure to protect myself before I pull you into my arms again.”

  This was the perfect time to end the conversation and walk away, but she just couldn’t seem to do it.

  “I think the best way to protect yourself is to skip pulling me into your arms to begin with,” she pointed out.

  “Perhaps,” he murmured, promise darkening his eyes. “But where’s the fun in that?”

  So it was the challenge he liked. Her eyes lowered to his groin, well covered by the women on his lap. Heck, if flirtatious words didn’t fall out of her mouth. “I guess you’ll never know with them in the way.”

  Primal heat gathered in his eyes and one of the women started to croon. Obviously, something beneath her had changed and Amber had a good idea what that was. This was definitely her cue to end the conversation.

  Heidrek had sat on Raknar’s lap so she nodded at him, then said her goodbyes to the men before she headed into the crowd to explore. She didn’t get far before a tall, fierce-looking man with braids interwoven in his hair and beard pulled her into a dance.

  “You are as pretty as your sisters,” he grunted with approval.

  It took finesse to keep his hands from roaming where they shouldn’t. “Thanks. And you are?”

  “They call me Asmund.” He grinned. “Your sister, Veronica, calls me Wandering Hands.”

  “Ah.” Amber smiled and moved his hand from her butt to her waist. “I can’t understand why.”

  His grin widened into a smile and he chuckled. “I like you. Come join me in my bed.”

  They certainly didn’t beat around the bush here. “Honestly, I’m not all that available right now, Asmund.”

  He cocked his head. “Kol doesn't mind sharing his women.”

  Great, how many people thought she was with Kol? Obviously a few. She shook her head. “You misunderstand. I’m not with Kol.”

  Asmund frowned. “Every woman is with Kol.” His lips curled up. “At least once.”

  Super. “Not me.”

  “Not yet.”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Hmph.” Asmund shrugged. “Then you should come to my bed.”

  “How about we just dance for now?” she suggested.

  Thankfully, the idea seemed appealing to him because they did just that. Then she danced with another…and another. It had been a long time since she let loose and had fun. Between playing the drums and dancing, this place seemed to pull it out of her.

  For the most part, the men were decent enough. There was always an invitation to have sex and more groping than a Boston after-hours party, but she knew how to handle it without offending anyone. Even so, it didn’t go unnoticed that Kol and his harem were dancing too and the display was every inch what she’d expect from him.

  Hot as hell.

  He really was incredibly gorgeous and the stunning women dancing not only against his front but against his back accentuated his pure masculinity. For all intents and purposes, he seemed immersed in the feel of them. But his eyes locked with hers several times. When it happened, everyone else faded away. It was in one of those riveting moments that she suddenly understood the women around him for what they were.


  Against her.

  And that was just fine.

  Eventually, she ended up dancing with Kjar and was finally able to take a break from fending off men’s many advances.

  “You handle Viking men well,” he mentioned, eyes roaming over her face. Amber was surprised to see a flare of attraction in their depths. Her breath caught.

  “How did I not notice before?” she whispered.

  “What’s that?” he murmured.

  “The color of your eyes,” she shook her head, “are identical to Sean’s.”

  “So I’ve been told.” His eyebrows edged up. “It’s not so unusual to share an eye color, woman.”

  “No, I suppose not.” An unexpected shiver raced through her. “It’s just unnerving.”

  Something indefinable flickered in Kjar’s eyes as he looked over the top of her head. Amber tensed as a hard body came against her back and a strong arm wrapped around her waist. When the scent of spice and spruce filled her nostrils, she had no doubt who it was.


  Kjar didn’t move but kept his arm securely around her back.

  Holy crap.

  What were they doing?

  “Whoa guys,” she said, but the words were a weak whisper. An odd sensation was filling her. Yes, arousal, but something else. It was as if a memory was trying to surface, but she couldn’t quite grasp it.

  “I think she likes this, cousin,” Kol murmured, his heated words close to her ear, lips brushing ever so softly over the nape of her neck.

  A tremble rippled through her and Kol’s low growl rumbled against her back. Christ, she felt strange, as though static electricity prickled over every inch of her skin. Was this what happened when between a dragon-shifter and a demi-god?

  No, somehow she knew it was something altogether different.

  Such a strong sense of familiarity.

  Suddenly in way over her head
, she put a hand on Kjar’s chest and shook her head. “Something’s wrong here.”

  Erection pressed against her back, Kol’s arm tightened, his response hoarse, guttural. “Everything feels pretty damn right to me.”

  Amber kept shaking her head as an unexplainably sharp swell of anxiety clawed its way to the surface and she tried to pull away. Kjar stepped back and frowned at Kol. “Let her go.”

  Kol stilled and his body tensed.

  But he didn’t let go.

  The room grew smaller and smaller. Her throat closed. Amber struggled for breath and knew she needed to get away.


  In pure panic mode, she drove her elbow back. Kol grunted and released her. Desperate to escape whatever she’d been feeling, she strode toward the door. Close. Closer. Amber shoved past people until she finally broke free. The air had a nice bite to it so she inhaled deep, grateful gulps and kept walking.

  She barely processed anything until she walked out of the fortress gates. Only then did her sense of anxiety fade and she could truly appreciate how foreign her surroundings were. People sold wares from endless rows of carts and dozens of long docks stemmed into the sea. Her jaw dropped as she soaked up the grandeur of countless boats.

  Viking longships.

  Wide-eyed, she stopped short when a huge black horse came alongside. Kol had followed her. Once more wearing a tunic, he swung down and wrapped a fur cloak over her shoulders. Though he wore a crooked grin, worry flickered in his eyes. “Are you well, Amber?”

  Ugh, she wasn’t sure she was up to handling him right now.

  “I’m fine, thanks.” She gave him a pointed look and hoped he’d take the hint. “I just needed a little breathing room.”

  Evidently he had no interest in her innuendo because he swung back up and held out his hand. “Come. Ride with me, woman. Thorunn can handle us both.”


  He grinned and patted the horse. “Yes. She’s my girl.”

  Amber couldn’t help but state the obvious. “Seems you already have enough of those.”

  “None like Thorunn the ‘absent-minded.’"

  Riveted by his charming smile, she found herself taking his hand and swinging up. “Absent-minded? That’s a horrible nickname.”

  “My brothers have called her that from the moment she allowed me to ride her.” Kol chuckled and steered the horse along the shore. “They’re just jealous.”


  “Of course.” He tucked her cloak around her. “Horses are spooked by those with dragon blood.”

  “Oh.” That made sense. She was still trying to process the fact that they were dragon-shifters. Dragons. Now that would be something to see. “So why do they call her ‘absent-minded’?”

  “Because she rears up every time I try to mount her,” he explained. “Then all it takes are a few soft words and she lets me on. So they figure she’s absent minded.”

  Unexpected heat warmed her skin. Why did everything that came out of his mouth sound so sexual? All she could envision was a woman rearing up before she relented and let him mount her, not a horse. Because there could be no questioning that with a few soft words he’d get what he wanted from just about any woman. Heck, she didn’t suppose he even needed to offer words.

  “Amber, get a grip,” she preached to herself.

  But it was too late based on his sharp inhalation and the arm he wrapped around her waist. Way too aware of his groin at her back, she was about to tell him this whole horse riding thing was a bad idea but he spoke first.

  “It’s my turn to apologize, Amber. I’m sorry if I frightened you when we were dancing.”

  Touched, she said, “It’s all good.”

  They left the docks and ships behind as Thorunn walked the shore. “It was good…until it was not.” He hesitated a few long moments. “Do you not wish to lie with both me and Kjar at the same time then?”

  Damn, these Viking men didn’t hold back and she appreciated that. Naturally, he would think the whole two guys with one woman thing was her issue. But this was a question that probably needed answering now. “I’ve never slept with two men at once. And I’m not sure I want to.”

  “Not sure?” he murmured, muscles tightening in his forearm.

  Oddly enough, though she sensed he was open to the idea, the tension is his body felt more possessive, maybe even unwilling. Even if it wasn’t anywhere near high on her priority list, she shrugged. “Then again, I guess I’m open to trying anything once.”

  Darn, had she really just said that? But deep down she knew why and it sort of surprised her. She was feeding into his sexual openness, perhaps even competing with it. Which was ridiculous. Still, she looked over her shoulder and met his eyes. “I mean you’ve slept with two women at once, right?”

  When his brow slowly rose along with the corner of his lip, she knew her count was off. “Three?”

  His brow rose a little higher and a bit of sheepishness crawled onto his face.

  “Four?” she mouthed.

  His sumptuous lips settled into an even grin and he nodded once.

  “How on Earth did you keep them all satisfied at…”

  Her words trailed off and she tore her eyes from his. Did she really want the answer to that? Yet a wry chuckle bubbled up and she shook her head, impressed despite herself. “God, you’re such a player.”

  “I do enjoy playing during sex,” he agreed.

  “Not exactly what I meant but sure, that works.”

  “What did you mean then?”

  Her eyes drifted over the sun-speckled ocean as she contemplated how to phrase her explanation. “It means that you know how to work women.”

  She heard the frown in his voice. “I do not make women work. I give them pleasure. Some might say I’m doing all the work.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you are.” Amber again chuckled, enjoying the bizarre conversation. “Let me rephrase. What I meant is that you’re apparently very good at getting women into your bed.”

  No shocker there. Just look at the man. A definite hottie. Not only that, Kol was simply charming. The Casanova of Vikings. The way he looked at a woman made her feel truly special and that alone was more than enough for most. She’d been watching him closely and while the majority of women she knew would see one thing, she saw another.

  Like her, Kol literally adored the opposite sex.

  He enjoyed being around them and would do anything to make them happy. Which again made her wonder how they could ever fulfill this pact with the seers.

  Storm clouds had moved in fast and covered half the sky. An icy drizzle started and he steered Thorunn into the dense forest to their right. The sharp, fresh smell of pine hit her nostrils as they traveled. Towering overhead, thick foliage protected them, offering a stunning display of sunlit mist as the sky roiled with a variety of weather.

  “So beautiful,” she murmured.

  “The mountains provide the rapid shift in climate,” he explained, apparently understanding exactly what she referred to. “Nothing stays the same long.”

  Amber sensed the double meaning in his words much like she’d felt when he danced with his women earlier. They were another layer of protection. Kol guarded his heart closely and she totally related. In a strange way, it was comforting to know that he had no intention of loving her any more than she did him.

  They were two souls who were part of a bargain they had no control over.

  Or did they?

  Damned if she knew. But one thing was apparent. She related with him. Actually, she strongly suspected she might just genuinely like him. Not in a romantic sense of course but as a potential friend.

  He stopped the horse and swung down. Offering up a killer roguish grin, he held out his hand. “Would you like to go swimming?”

  “It’s freezing,” she reminded but was swept away by the dare in his rich brown eyes. “But sure. I’m game.”

  “Game?” He grinned. “Do the men from your time hunt women then?�
�� A full smile blossomed as he helped her down. “Because I like the idea of hunting you.”

  “Just an expression,” she assured him, but again chuckled. “It means I’m good with the idea of swimming.”

  “Good.” He wrapped a satchel over his shoulder and pulled her after him.

  “What about Thorunn? Don’t you need to tie her?”

  “Tie her?” Kol frowned. “Why would I do that?”

  “So she doesn’t run off.”

  Kol grinned and shook his head. “My girls never run off.”

  Nope, she didn’t suppose they did.

  Amber pulled the stone out of her pocket and handed it to him. “I’d hate to lose this. Maybe stick it in the satchel? But then I might not be able to understand you without it, huh?”

  Kol tucked it away. "We won't be far from it so hopefully we will have no trouble understanding one another. If we do, I'll come back for it."

  Though it seemed like nothing but trees as far as the eye could see, Amber was surprised when he pulled her around a thick group of shrubs and a large pond came into view.

  Enthralled, she eyed the rock face that circled around half of it. A huge pine tree had grown off the cliff above and its roots stemmed down, a cloying, thick enchanting mass that grew into the water. A mix of both jagged and smooth boulders created mini islands throughout the pond. Steam rose from the water, half caught in sunlight, half in rain pellets.

  “Wow,” she whispered.

  Kol pulled a few skins from the satchel and handed her one. “Here. Drink then let’s have some fun, yes?”

  Sure. Why not? Amber sipped the mead as he took a few long, healthy swigs then tossed it aside. While she meant to get lost in the astounding view, her eyes were inevitably glued to him as he pulled off his cloak, tunic, and boots. Before she knew it, he yanked off his leather pants and strolled a few feet into the water.

  She only had a split second to admire his amazingly tight ass before he turned and gave her something else entirely to appreciate. Fully, unabashedly erect, he held out his hand and curled his fingers. “Get over here, Little Tease. Let’s have some fun then.”

  The skin dropped from her limp fingers as surely as her jaw dropped. She couldn’t help but drift his way. After all, what harm was there in some fun?