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Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) Page 5

  Kol polished off his ale and stretched. “I think just about every woman I’ve been with would disagree with you, cousin.”

  Kjar snorted.

  After receiving another horn of ale, Kol leaned back and eyed Amber with amusement as she stopped in front of the men playing bodhran drums. Unlike her sisters, she seemed to be embracing their society right away or so said the slow sway of her hips. Fortunately, the fires kept it warm enough that she’d removed her cloak, giving him and every other man a pleasurable view of her backside.

  And just like him, there was nothing but lust in their eyes.

  He didn’t recognize the low growl in his chest and had no idea he was heading in her direction until he was halfway there. Her sisters might be a solid wall of protection around Amber, but far too many men were contemplating a way past them. And even with the potential wrath of the king and Raknar coming down on them, several clearly thought the loot well worth the punishment.

  She must have said something about the instrument because Kol had nearly reached Amber when one of the men stopped playing his drum and handed it to her. Red dragon haze skirted the corners of his vision when the musician wrapped his arms around her from behind. Though he was only showing her how to use the drum, Kol also knew he was just as aroused as the men now forming a circle around her.

  A dagger at the ready, he stopped beside her sisters and glared at any man willing to meet his eyes…which were few. No, they weren’t just lusting but downright enchanted by Amber. Even his eyes were snagged from protecting her when warm laughter bubbled up from her chest. She tossed her hair over a shoulder and winked at the man behind her. Arms crossed over his chest, Kol was impressed with how smoothly she kept the musician from pressing too close while simultaneously making him feel like the world revolved around him.

  He had never seen anything quite like it.

  From a woman that is.

  Amber maneuvered a man nearly as well as Kol maneuvered a woman.

  And that’s precisely what they did. Made the opposite sex feel special until they tired and moved on to the next. But Kol would bet that like him, she rarely left a man lacking. If anything, she left them happier than they were before.

  “I knew it wouldn’t take her long to make herself at home,” Megan murmured and bumped shoulders with him. “Put away the dagger, Champ. She’ll be all right.”

  “I’m sure she will.” But he didn’t put away the dagger. Better that his fellowmen see his intentions…or at least that she was under his protection. Yet even as he tried to keep his attention on the bastards around her, he soon became as enamored as the rest when she held the crossbar beneath with expertise and started playing the drum. She had a way of moving her hand in such a way that the sound made the listener feel the passion within her.

  Incredible passion.

  Blatant sensuality.

  The woman possessed a natural eroticism that simmered beneath the surface of every move she made. Kol watched the speed and roll of her hand, imagining that same hand playing his body with as much talent and hunger. Because there was a definite hunger in the sound she created. One that originated in the depths of her soul. A soul that felt things far more deeply than most.

  Though Kol narrowed his eyes at the man behind her, he didn’t need to. Amber was handling him perfectly as she pulled away and nodded her thanks. Then her eyes met the women playing the pipes and she offered a dazzling smile as they caught her beat.

  Captivated, he couldn’t decide which part of her he wanted to eye more. Her animated face, the way her hand deftly worked the instrument or the sway of her lovely hips as she moved in synchronization to the beat she created.

  Her eyes flashed as the low, inviting beat increased ever so slowly. He couldn’t stop his arousal if he wanted to. Not when he sensed the rhythm of sex. After all, he knew it better than most. Eager to taste what lay between those talented thighs, he licked his lips. Though it almost seemed calculated, he knew it wasn’t when her eyes met his and her lips fell open a fraction.

  Yet she didn’t miss a beat.

  Instead, her hand moved faster and he curled up the corner of his lips. He'd never had a woman show her interest, her desire, through music. It aroused him so thoroughly that not only did his erection strain almost painfully against his leather pants but a slow burn was working its way up his spine. And damn if she didn’t know precisely what she was doing to him.

  Two could play at that game.

  He sheathed his blade, pulled off his tunic and winked.

  “Oh, please.” Veronica held her lower back and rested a hand on her belly as she shook her head and eyed him. “You’re as bad as she is, show off.”

  “She’s a little tease.” Kol shrugged and kept his crooked grin in place as he enjoyed Amber’s response. “I’m just giving some back.”

  Veronica fanned herself as Raknar came behind her and wrapped his arms around her until his hands rested over hers on her stomach. She might be running hotter than normal, but Amber’s music was clearly affecting everyone as his brother nuzzled the side of her neck and Veronica’s eyes drifted shut.

  Meanwhile, Amber’s hand was moving faster as her eyes ran the length of Kol and a blush tinted her cheeks. If he didn’t know better, he would say she was working herself toward where he wanted her.

  In his bed.

  The king stood next to Megan, an arm wrapped around her middle as he eyed the crowd. But even he wasn’t immune to the enchantment Amber weaved because his hand drifted from Megan’s hipbone and trailed back and forth over her stomach. They were eager to conceive. It was obvious by the way he touched her and the way she responded.

  Like his brothers, Kol had never been more pleased when they discovered Veronica’s unborn child had dragon blood. It gave them much hope. He and his brothers all possessing the blood of the dragon had been extremely rare. In fact, Raknar and Naðr’s firstborn children didn’t possess it so they suspected it might have something to do with either the seer’s pact or perhaps because the women were from another time.

  Though he sensed Amber’s reluctance to look away, she eventually did and moved closer to the women as another man with a drum joined and their tempo only increased. Reluctant to stop watching her, men soon had no choice as women swung them into their arms and the room filled with sensual couples.

  Kol released a low chuckle as he eyed the crowd. Amber drew out sex well with her music because the majority of his kinsmen looked about ready to rip off their clothes. When a woman came up from behind, wrapped her arms around him and slid a hand down over his neglected arousal, he sighed. Damn that felt good.

  But it wasn’t the hand he wanted.

  At least not right now.

  Still, no need to hurt anyone’s feelings.

  Removing her hand, he turned, kissed her palm and hooded his eyes. “Another time, love?”

  The woman who had been in his bed earlier hid behind her lashes. “Promise?”

  “I promise to see you taken care of, Kara,” he vowed, words vague.

  “The woman from the future is very beautiful. I see the way you look at her.” She slanted him a knowing look. “Remember, I do not mind sharing.”

  Kol kissed her on the cheek then sent Kara on her way, contemplating the idea. While it should have aroused him to no end, he wasn’t so eager. He turned a frown Amber’s way. Even if he wanted her to see his discontent, he was out of luck because she was far too caught up in the music. And hel, if he wasn’t grinning again soon enough.

  “You just can’t help yourself with her, eh?” Megan said, chuckling.

  When he arched a brow in question, she shrugged and nodded toward her little sister. “She’s got a way of making people happy no matter what.” A small smile came to her lips as she eyed him. “Thanks for losing the other girl.”

  Kol was about to tell her he didn’t do it for Amber but realized that’s exactly who he did it for. Not out of any particular need to be with her exclusively but to show her th
e respect Naðr requested. Or so he told himself as he shifted closer. If she hadn’t been playing the drum, he would have already found a way to sidle up behind her. But he’d not risk taking that wide smile off her face. A smile, he realized, that had to do with both the music she created and the happiness of the people around her.

  Charmed, he couldn’t help but grin. It was hard to remember the last time he smiled not because he wanted a woman in his bed but because he truly enjoyed watching the joy she felt…a joy that had nothing to do with him in the least.

  Kjar stood beside him, eyes on Amber. He shook his head, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest. “If you want this one cousin, you best make it clear. Half the men in here are already in love with her.”

  Kol took a swig from his horn then shrugged. “I have made it clear.”

  “Have you?” Kjar popped a handful of nuts in his mouth, munching out his reply. “Was it when you took off your tunic then? Or maybe when you didn’t tell Kara to shove off right away but took the time to kiss her hand?”

  Kol snorted, quirked his lips at his cousin and answered with equal sarcasm. “No, it’s the look that will be in Amber's eyes when I do what I’m about to do and then the way she responds to me.”

  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect as Amber and her fellow musicians hit their crescendo and finished to a room full of applause. Before Kjar had a chance to respond, Kol strode over, tossed aside Amber’s drum, pulled her into his arms and showed his cousin exactly what he meant.

  Chapter Four

  Shocked, Amber turned her head when Kol tossed aside her drum and pulled her into his arms. Maybe it was because he’d stolen that beautiful ‘grand finale’ moment from her or because he was presumptuous enough to…no, he’d stolen something from her and she knee-jerk reacted.


  Her knee came up high, fast and tight.

  His eyes widened when she connected with his groin. Amber stepped back as he yelped in pain. Just behind Kol, a behemoth of a man with skinny braids hanging from his goatee flung back his head and laughed. Meanwhile, she scrambled after the poor drum. Thankfully, it was faring better than the obscene Viking she was apparently meant for.

  Drum saved, she handed it back to the man who had allowed her to play it. Then she made a point of thanking not only him but the other drummer and the women who had played their flutes so well. They created amazing music together and she told them how talented they all were.

  By the time she turned back to her sisters, Kol was red faced and still holding his crotch. Megan and Veronica were shaking their heads and clapping before they hugged her.

  “Awesomeness,” Megan said. “Beautiful music.”

  “That was amazing, Sis,” Veronica added.

  “Thanks.” She preened and eyed the musicians as they continued playing. “But it was really more them than me.”

  “Whatever you say,” Megan said, smiling.

  Amber didn’t miss the amused looks her sisters cast Kol. Though tempted to offer him an apology, she just couldn’t seem to do it. He’d been an ass. Or at least it had seemed so at the moment. Who knows, maybe she owed him one. After all, he had obviously been trying to protect her with that dagger.

  With a heavy swallow, she eyed him as he received a horn from a woman eager to soothe his injury. Now he was busy accepting a rub or two from several more women who came forward, obviously intent to help him recover. As far as she could tell the rubbing wasn’t precisely where she’d done the damage but close enough.

  Not for the first time, Amber’s eyes traveled over his broad shoulders, muscled torso and the numerous tattoos intricately inked over his impressive chest. Then, as had become habit and half the reason for her increased tempo when drumming, her eyes fell to his crotch. Only now it wasn’t nearly as impressive as it had been before.

  Then again, she had dealt him a pretty good blow.

  Not good. That deserved a definite “I’m sorry.” About to apologize, she stopped short when the monster of a man with braids in his goatee and tattoos swirling over his shaved head stepped between her and Kol. Not lewd but thoroughly impressed in a bizarrely impersonal way, he offered a grin and nodded. “I’m Kjar. Nice to meet you, Amber.” Before she could respond, his grin turned into a wide smile. “You are everything I could have ever hoped you’d be, woman.”

  This was the supposed demi-god? Her brows shot up. Holy hell, he was huge and handsome in an intense sort of way. She held out her hand to shake and offered an equally wide smile. “And you’re exactly what my sisters said you’d be.”

  He clasped her hand, eyes narrowed in amusement. “And what exactly was that?”

  Though a little nervous she was face to face with a possible demi-god, Amber couldn’t stop grinning. There were merry eyes, and then there were Kjar’s. “They said you wouldn't be what I expected.”

  His brows lowered. "And what did you expect?"

  "I'm not sure." She kept grinning. "But whatever it might've been it couldn't touch you."

  “So in the end I’m everything I should be?”

  Amber nodded. “I think you probably are.”

  Kjar’s smile met hers. “As are you.”


  He pulled her closer and bent over so that his soft words came close to her ear. “Now you have a choice.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Dance with me or—” He nodded at the head table where Kol had plunked himself down and seemed to be both brooding and healing via a horn of ale. “Him.”

  Amber pouted. “He threw my drum.”

  Kjar smirked. “You broke his cock.”

  “Bruised,” she muttered and narrowed her eyes. “He had it coming.”

  Lips thinned, he nodded, rueful but playful. “Yes, he did.”

  “Yet he still deserves a dance?”

  Kjar gave a loose shrug. “To preserve his manhood?”

  They both knew what manhood he spoke of and it wasn’t the impressive muscle between Kol’s legs.

  She smiled and shook her head. “Is it that vulnerable then?”

  “He’s the youngest brother,” Kjar explained, his eyes full of mirth and something else when they met hers. “It’s not easy being the one always answering to the older siblings.”

  Lips twisted, she sighed. “You’re playing this like a true therapist, sweetie.”

  Kjar tossed a handful of nuts into his mouth. “No, my new friend, I just hope you’ll save something I think gets people into too much trouble.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Pride.” Humor left Kjar’s eyes as he nodded at Kol. “Right now it’s his.”

  Before she could respond, he muttered, “And I love him.”

  Then he walked away.

  Her eyes might have remained on Kol, but he certainly wasn’t looking at her. Instead, he seemed intent on talking to the king and drinking. And shoot if his lack of attention didn’t suddenly irritate her. Sure, she’d dealt the guy a serious blow but still…weren’t they part of some sort of seer’s pact?

  A pact that had caused all this and made things go wrong with her and Sean.

  Amber flinched and turned away.


  Dead. Gone. Yet he haunted her. As he should. For no other reason than she had been enjoying herself. Playing the drums. Laughing. Feeling free. Not from Sean, she would never be free of him, but from something unexplainable.

  Either way, it was undeserved.

  “Hello.” A young boy with light blond hair held out his hand. “I am Heidrek. Nice to finally meet you, Amber.”

  “Hi, Heidrek.” She shook his hand. “Nice to meet you as well.”

  He offered a confident smile and nodded toward the door. “I can show you around if you like.”

  Amber eyed the door then him. “I would love that, Heidrek but not right now.” She nodded toward the head table. “It seems Kjar thinks I should head that way.”

  The boy looked at the table then back at her, eyes
wise for his age as he held out the crook of his elbow. “If that is what you want, may I escort you?”

  She nodded and wrapped her arm with his. “I’d like that.”

  They had only made it about halfway to the table when Veronica came alongside and smiled at Heidrek. “Thanks for escorting Amber.”

  Sunlight might as well have burst over the boy’s face when he looked at Veronica. “It was the least I could do. Uncle Kol is acting like Father, is he not?”

  Veronica chuckled, took his hand then stopped them, eyes on Amber. “Sis, this is my friend and son, Heidrek.”

  Son? When her sister’s stern but soft eyes met hers, she understood...enough. Biting her lower lip, she narrowed her eyes on Heidrek. How could she have missed it? He was a miniature replica of his father, Raknar.

  She crouched, took his hands and cocked her head. “Again, it’s really nice to meet you, Heidrek.” Amber contemplated him before she leaned forward and whispered, “I need a favor.”

  Heidrek smiled. “Anything.”

  “I feel sort of awkward walking up to that table. Would you mind breaking the ice for me?”

  The boy peered at the table then at her. “I see no ice on the king’s table.”

  Amber smiled and shook her head. “Sorry, it’s an expression from my era. What I meant was could you speak first on my behalf?”

  “Oh! Yes, of course.” He stood up straighter, evidently pleased with his task. “I would be honored.” Then he continued escorting her to the head table.

  It was no easy thing approaching the brothers as they lounged. If that’s what you wanted to call it. The truth was, the king and Raknar were in conversation with others and only one lounged for all he was worth.


  Top still distractedly bare, his legs were spread and he braced his horn on the edge of his leg as he watched them approach. His expression said nothing. She made damn well sure hers didn’t either.

  “My King,” Heidrek announced.

  Naðr stopped talking and gave them his undivided attention. When Raknar kept talking, Heidrek continued, voice firm. “Father.” Then he looked at Kol. “Uncle Kol.”