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Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) Read online

Page 23

  Kol pulled Amber down onto a chair beside him and handed her a skin.

  The king’s eyes slid to Grant. “You’re bold considering we just met.”

  “Aye, we only just met, my King, but does our magic not know one another’s well?” Grant’s eyes stayed locked with Naðr’s. “Do we not work toward the same end in keeping evil away from both my people and yours?”

  Naðr’s face was expressionless as he considered Grant. Eventually, he said, “We do and you and yours will always be welcome.” Though he held his skin, he didn’t drink. “Now tell me what the seer wishes us to know.”

  Megan made an indiscernible sound.

  Naðr sighed in response, eyes still on Grant. “Please.”

  Though he wanted to, Kol didn’t quirk his lip. Megan had been working on the King’s manners since she arrived. He still found it amusing. Vikings with manners. Naðr no less.

  The Unnamed One started making slashes on the ground and Grant was about to speak, but Amber stood and shook her head. “I can’t deal with this anymore.”

  She dragged a chair between Grant and Kjar and then held out her hand to the Unnamed One. “Please. I’m sick of seeing you sit at other people’s feet.”

  The seer didn’t move.

  Frustration marred Amber’s face and she huffed, “Fine.” She plunked down on the floor beside the Unnamed One and held out her palm. “Then at least make your slashes on my hand and not the dirty floor.”

  When the Unnamed One made no movement, Amber took her hand then frowned. “Oh, you’re so cold.” So she cupped her hands around the seer's and blew.

  What a woman. He couldn’t take his eyes off Amber. Warmth curled around his heart as he remembered how she had cared for his headache in the cave. The seer didn’t pull her hand away but remained still as Amber took her other hand and set to warming it as well.

  Only once did his eyes flicker to the King to see his response but was caught instead by the steady stare of her sisters. Both had a gleam in their eyes and a curl to their lips as they watched not Amber but Kol. Those damn women were entertaining all sorts of thoughts about how he felt about Amber.

  Yet, nobody said a word. Then, seemingly satisfied with the warmth of the seer’s hands, Amber again offered her palm for communication. Her eyes went to Naðr. “Okay then, ask away.”

  Kol pushed aside the tension he felt having such a powerful seer using his woman as her method of communication. He could only pray the Unnamed One wouldn’t hurt her nor would Amber get caught up in powerful magic. Because if that started to happen, he’d do exactly what Raknar had and embrace the dragon.

  There would be no other choice.

  Because whether or not either of them acknowledged it, she was his mate.

  He kept his discontent well-concealed and wondered if the king even knew he had a slight smile on his face when he asked, “Did Helga turn on us? And if so, when?”

  Kol didn’t blame him for smiling. Amber brought it out in them all.

  The Unnamed One hesitated for a moment as if uncomfortable. Then Amber nodded at her and smiled. “Go for it. I’m all yours.”

  The seer didn’t move for another long moment before she finally started making slashes in Amber’s palm. Grant spoke. “Helga was very close with Tofa, she who left our mountain first to join with King Rennir. Tofa was second born. Helga third. They formed a strong bond.” She slashed more and Grant kept talking. “Not just sisters but blood sisters. And through the spell of blood, they harnessed the power of Loki’s, Hel. Together they learned well what existed in the afterlife. Good and evil. Through it they became very powerful.”

  She kept slashing. The Scotsman kept talking.

  “They opened a doorway that gave them access to both. Tofa used the evil. Helga used the good. But always they could harness the other. Always they were connected.”

  Naðr leaned forward. “Did my former wife, Aesa, know of this? And Raknar’s former wife, Yrsa?”

  “Yes,” Grant said as the seer kept slashing. “Aesa wanted nothing to do with it. That is why she left the mountain next and sought out the dragon brothers.” The Unnamed One lowered her head, body trembling. “You were her salvation. Her safety. A place she knew good still reigned.”

  Kjar put a hand on her shoulder and she slowly stilled.

  “What of Yrsa?” Raknar asked.

  “My youngest sister,” Grant said. “Wanted to be good but craved the darkness too much. The greatness it might offer.”

  That sounded about right.

  Veronica’s hand slid into Raknar’s as he murmured, “So she did.”

  The seer kept making slashes. Grant kept talking.

  “Though first-born and the most powerful, I am no longer. I chose another path instead. One that would protect good, protect all of you. A path that has greatly weakened me. Only because of the demi-god’s help am I here, free of Helga for now.”

  Naðr shook his head, eyes narrowed on Kjar. “Just tell me, cousin. What is your connection to all this?”

  Kol was surprised to see the shipwright’s expression falter. It was the first time he ever saw genuine pain in his cousin’s eyes. “I cannot tell you, my King. Not until the pact is fulfilled and you and your brothers can once more embrace the dragon.”

  “So you would sit here and put our lives at risk?” Raknar said.

  “No.” Kjar shook his head. “Everything I have done is to save your lives.” He made a gesture that encompassed the room. “To protect all that you have built here.”

  “I've been wondering about something,” Amber said. “Can the pact be fulfilled simply by me returning from the future? Does there have to be love between Kol and me?”

  Kol clenched his teeth and kept a growl at bay, surprised at how disagreeable he found the idea of her not loving him.

  The Unnamed One placed her free hand over Amber’s and nodded her head sharply.

  “Yes,” Kjar said. “There must be love. Without it, why else would you want to go on to Valhalla with your Viking? A fact that made this pact so appealing to the seers to begin with.”

  “I was under the impression we had the option to go to Heaven if we wanted to,” Veronica pointed out before her eyes connected with Raknar’s. “But I realized when I fell in love that I wanted to be wherever Raknar was in the end.”

  Kjar nodded, eyes still on Amber. “So you see. True love is necessary.” His eyes flickered over Adlin and Grant. “And thankfully many have helped to ensure that those from the future would not suffer heartache because of this pact.”

  The king’s incredulous eyes went to Amber, obviously of a one track mind. “Do you not love my brother then, woman?”

  While Kol appreciated Naðr’s need to protect him and though she was most definitely his mate, he wouldn’t have Amber pressured into anything.

  “How she does or does not feel is not yours to force from her tongue, brother,” he said softly, voice edged with just enough threat.

  Naðr and Raknar’s eyes shot to his.

  His middle brother spoke this time. “You love her. Why would you not fight to keep her?”

  “Because I don’t take what is not given to me freely,” he ground out, eyes anywhere but on Amber. “And that is a better way to fight to keep her.”

  His brothers eyed him and like their women, he didn’t much like the look in their eyes.

  “So you do love Amber then,” Veronica said matter-of-factly. “I for one think you have great taste.”

  “Right,” Megan echoed, a devious grin on her face.

  Cornered, he showed little reaction and purposefully relaxed his body, legs crossed in front him. “I love what she represents.” He dragged his gaze to Amber’s only to find her eyes securely locked on the fire. Hel, but he wished she was hanging on his every word. But it didn’t seem so. No, she was running from this as much as he was.

  And this was why he avoided falling in love.

  Somewhat. Not really. His reasons didn’t really matter muc
h anymore because he knew damn well he was….with someone who apparently didn’t feel the same way. So he kept things safe. “She is a good woman and like me, eager to protect you all.”

  Clearly exasperated by them both, Naðr’s eyes turned back to the seer. “So you are here to protect my people alongside the Scottish wizards until this pact is fulfilled and our dragons are free, yes?”

  The Unnamed One made a few slashes across Amber’s hand.

  “Yes,” Grant said. “And you may imprison me until then.”

  “No." Kjar's eyes dared the king to challenge him. “Keep her here in your chambers under guard but don’t imprison her.”

  “He won’t,” Amber blurted, her hands cupped around the Unnamed One’s hands as her eyes locked on Naðr’s. “Will you…brother?”

  The king’s eyes narrowed. All fell silent. Long moments passed. The fire crackled. Wind howled. The sound of celebration filtered through the night from next door. A reminder of whom they honored and who had been left behind to protect.

  Naðr ground his jaw, distrust in his eyes before he finally murmured, “The seer will not be imprisoned.”

  Before anyone could say a word, Adlin stood and rubbed his hands together. “There ye have it!” He grinned at Naðr. “A wise king indeed.” Then he stepped around the fire and held a hand out to Amber. “I cannae speak for the rest of us, but I could use a good turn or two to the pipes. Might ye join me in the great hall, lass?”

  Amber looked at the Unnamed One and for a moment, Kol thought she might touch the side of the seer’s head with affection. But she clenched her fist, no doubt swayed by the heavy gaze of the king. Her eyes rose to Kjar and though her mouthed words were kept away, his older brother missed nothing.

  “Keep her safe.”

  Then, as if she hadn’t implied in the least that the king might do the seer harm, she shot Adlin a winning smile, took his hand and stood. “I’d love to go dance.”

  Adlin threw the king and his brothers a wry grin. Then he shrugged and chuckled as he pulled Amber after him. “We are safe enough for now, lads. Might we go honor the dead?”

  But Kol wondered, as did his brothers based on their expressions… Had they learned nearly enough or had they been completely ensorcelled?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Amber had never been to a funeral quite like this.

  Love, light, life, it was unique.

  While there were tears, there was also laughter and endless stories told about those who had passed away. It was hard to wrap her mind around how Vikings mourned their deceased. Not sad and standing around a coffin. Not at all. Instead, they celebrated a life well lived and made a merry time of it. They thanked Odin for giving them the pleasure of knowing him or her, then roared with joy that they might be welcomed back into Valhalla.

  Yes, a lot of alcohol flowed but she got a general sense that it wouldn’t matter either way. Remembering those who had been lost, all their feats, even the small ones, was well worth talking about. Everything from their first kiss to the way they perched their grandchildren on their knees. These people had long memories. It again drove home what she’d felt watching those boats burn on the water, everyone knew those around them from birth to death.

  Adlin was awesome. They laughed and danced and her heart grew light. He might be hot as hell, but she realized there was far more behind his handsome face. Amber quirked her lips as he again spun her around. Of course there was more behind his appearance. After all, if what she read was correct, he’d been alive for centuries and started a powerful clan.

  Yet she recognized a master manipulator and a king in his own right when she saw one. She might be the creative one in the family, but she was related to her sisters after all.

  They were only halfway through another turn when he leaned close. “I willnae go through what Grant did with your laddie. I’ve not the time nor desire as I’ve also a love of my own.” He kissed her cheek, blue eyes merry. “Know this though. I will do my best to protect ye, lass but in the end ye must know your own heart, aye?”

  Baffled, she watched him fade into the crowd. Soon enough, she knew why when strong hands landed on her hips from behind and Kol murmured in her ear. “I grow tired of watching you dance with another man.”

  Caught somewhere between being miffed about his display with Grant out on the dock and skittish about the king implying that Kol loved her, she pulled away.

  But she didn’t get far.

  Kol grabbed her hand and spun her around until she was against him. She had enough time to put her hands against his chest, maybe put some distance between them, but not nearly enough time for what he did next. His large hand cupped the back of her head and exposed her neck enough that his lips had room to plunder.

  When she swallowed hard, he trailed his tongue over her small Adam’s apple then flicked and licked the line of her jaw until he nipped the fleshy part of her earlobe. Then he nibbled his way up the shell of her ear. Not sloppy and wet but dry, soft, just enough to let her know he was there. Just enough to know that he was drilling his way beneath her defenses.

  Unprepared for his orchestrated attack, she twisted her hands in his tunic and didn’t fight him. Instead, she tilted her head back further.

  Though multiple instruments played, she only heard the drums. The way they pounded in rhythm with her heart. The way they seemed to match the sway of her hips as they welcomed his erection close.

  “I never meant for this,” he whispered against her neck, tongue moving as efficiently in time with the beat as his hips. “Us.”

  Amber barely processed Kara and Asmund twirling by, wide smiles on their faces. There was no mistaking the blossoming romance between her and Wandering Hands.

  Lost, trying to grab hold of Kol’s words, at least one of them, she murmured, “Us?”

  “Us,” he whispered. He wrapped his arms around her and closed his lips over hers.

  Then it was all sensation. The way his tongue wrapped with hers. The way their bodies melded against one another’s. Hot. Sizzling. Wonderful. But not close enough. Never close enough. They might have kissed for minutes or hours, she had no idea. All she knew was that she wanted more.

  Though their lips stayed locked, they somehow drifted. The next thing she knew they were outside at the back of the building or so she assumed based on how quiet it was. He had her against the cool wood but not vulnerable to the winds. His wide shoulders and strong body protected her.

  “Kol,” she murmured between kisses. His lips and hands were everywhere, carrying her away from all coherent thought.

  Amber couldn’t touch him enough either. She ran her hands beneath his tunic, eager to feel the chiseled edges of his heated muscles. Her fingertips ran over the light layer of hair on his chest then followed the thin trail that headed down toward his pants. Before she could get there, he pressed her free hand against his heavy erection and kissed her so deeply everything else fell away.

  She squeezed his arousal and they both groaned before he wrapped her arms over his shoulders. Nothing on Earth remained but the feel of his warm body pressed against hers, the way his lips tenderized hers, the masterful strokes of his tongue.

  He cupped her backside and lifted her just enough that he could grind his leather encased arousal between her legs. The friction had need building so fast she started writhing and thrusting her hips. She tore her lips from his and pressed her face against the side of his neck, trying desperately to remain quiet as he worked her closer and closer to peaking.

  “Gods, what have you done to me, woman,” he growled into her hair.

  But she barely heard him as an orgasm suddenly ripped through her and she moaned against his neck. He stilled, his breathing ragged, body impossibly tense. Though she was floating in the remnants of release, she was vaguely aware of a switch in his mood.

  Before she could question him, he swung her into his arms and started walking. His eyes might be lust-ridden, but there was a hard set to his chin. A tick in his

  Amber frowned when he plunked her down on his bed and muttered, “You’re back where you started.”

  Thrown off, she blinked a few times. He stood in front of the fire, arms crossed over his chest as he eyed her. She didn’t miss the press of his arousal against his pants. Something he apparently wasn’t going to take care of.

  “What’s up?” she murmured, eying him warily. “Why do you look so upset? I thought we were heading in a pretty good direction there.”

  Uh oh. This felt an awful lot like potential relationship issues. Conflict. Heartache. Regrets. Too much of something she wasn't ready for. This was why she so didn't do relationships. Nor did he last she checked. She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair, eyes on anything but him. “Listen, I’m not sure what you think this is but—”

  “This?” he interrupted, brows furrowed.

  Amber kept her eyes away and gestured between them. “Yeah, this.”

  “So you are a coward.”

  Brows arched, she shook her head. “I think we both know I’m not that.”

  “Then how can you make everyone around you feel so loved, but when one wants to look in your eyes and express how they feel about you, you’re unable or unwilling to meet their eyes?”

  Amber bit her lip. This is what she was afraid of. He was obviously referring to what Naðr said about Kol loving her and her lack of response.

  “I’m not your father, or mother,” Kol said. “We aren’t our parents.”

  When she gave no response, he sighed. She heard him come closer, heard him sit in a chair. “But maybe in our own way we always will be. Maybe it’s something we’re never meant to be free from.”

  Amber curled on her side away from him. She didn’t need this. This was what she steered clear of. Too much. The beginning of the end.

  “I’ll get us out of this,” she murmured.

  Kol said nothing, his silence far heavier than the fur she pulled over her. Did he really think he was in love with her? That was nuts, especially considering how long they had known each other. Heck, she knew Sean for three years and was just now wrapping her mind around loving him.


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