A Scot's Retribution (The MacLomain Series: End of an Era Book 5) Page 22
“Take your time,” he said, knowing they only half heard him. Knowing that they wouldn't even remember him once he walked out the front door. “When you’re ready, if this home is a fit for you, we’ll get the paperwork signed.”
Paperwork another realtor would see to.
They didn’t respond, but then he didn’t think they would.
After heading outside, he stopped beside the old oak with its rope swing and looked back, hardly believing this was it. That the last of the Brouns and MacLomains had come and gone.
“’Tis never really goodbye though, aye, old friend?” Grant said softly, manifesting beside him, knowing exactly what he was thinking. He looked at the house just as fondly. “’Twill never leave us, Adlin. Not any of us.” He shook his head. “Not really. ‘Tis too much a part of us all.”
“Aye, I know ye’re right.” Adlin gazed up at the leaves swaying in the breeze then back at the colonial before he looked at the barn. “But I’m afraid that doesnae make this any easier.”
“Nay,” Grant agreed, just as sad. “But we’ve no choice, aye? ‘Tis truly time.”
“’Tis,” Adlin agreed. “Until then, until the deed is signed...”
“Aye, until then...” Grant gazed at the house one last time, undoubtedly recalling his time here with his wife, Sheila. “Is it truly the end, though? Are we sure?”
Adlin didn’t answer him.
At least not right away.
Rather two friends who’d known each other for centuries and seen more than anyone could possibly imagine walked down the dirt road leading away from the colonial one last time. They walked past all the beautiful trees and the ranch on the right that had once been Mildred’s then, at last, walked straight into a glorious sunset.
Not before Adlin finally answered Grant, though.
“Aye, ‘tis the end.” A twinkle lit his eyes. “At least, the end of an era.”
Dear Reader,
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed spending time with Clan MacLomain on their last adventure. It was bittersweet writing, but alas, all good things must come to an end.
Interestingly, typing ‘the end' brought me back to the beginning and how this series came to be. As many of you know, the idea of writing about time-traveling Scots didn’t occur to me until I went to the Highland Games in New Hampshire. There I discovered my clan (the Brouns) and my husband’s clan (the MacLomains-AKA Lamonts at one time) were intermarried for almost three hundred years during the medieval period.
Suffice it to say, I loved the premise of love reconnecting over seven hundred years later, so lo and behold, the idea of love across time was born. Add to that, I was already an avid fantasy fiction reader, so how could a clan of Scottish wizards and shifters not come to be?
Anyway, after months of research, I started writing my first MacLomain book at the end of 2003, but things were put on hold when I became pregnant. Nonetheless, I eventually resumed writing, and the first edition of book one was published in 2007. Since then, twenty-six Scottish books later, it’s been one heck of a whirlwind adventure. I loved every minute of it, though, and will sorely miss all the MacLomain/Broun locations I’ve come to adore over the years, not to mention every character with all their various stories.
Before we say goodbye, I hope you’ll continue the journey with me and my Viking Ancestors (did you think I was going to let Leviathan get away that easily?), then it's back to Scotland for multiple series covering not just the MacLeods but the Hamiltons. Rumor has it there might even be an Irish series in the future, so lots of fun to be had. Until then, turn the page to find out what happened to King David after he left Scotland
Wishing you good health and happiness!
King David II
So what happened to wee King David? As it turned out, he and his wife (little Joan of England) reached Boulogne, France, on 14 May 1334 and were received graciously by King Philip VI. Little is known about his life there except that Château Gaillard was given to him for a residence.
By 1341, David's representatives had once again obtained the upper hand in Scotland, and he returned to his kingdom on 2 June 1341, taking the reins of government when he was seventeen. In 1346, under the terms of the Auld Alliance, David invaded England in the interests of the French, who were at war with the English in Normandy.
After initial success at Hexham, David was wounded, and his army soundly defeated at the Battle of Neville's Cross on 17 October 1346. He was then captured and taken prisoner by Sir John de Coupland, who imprisoned him in the Tower of London. Eventually, he was transferred to Windsor Castle in Berkshire upon the return of Edward III from France then later moved again to Odiham Castle in Hampshire, where he remained captive for eleven years.
On 3 October 1357, a treaty was signed at Berwick-upon-Tweed under which Scotland's nobility agreed to pay 100,000 marks, at the rate of 10,000 marks per year, as a ransom for their king and King David returned to Scotland.
Over the years, he dealt with recalcitrant nobles and a wider baronial revolt but continued to pursue the goal of a final peace with England. Sadly, King David, the last male of the House of Bruce, died unexpectedly, and at the height of his power, in Edinburgh Castle on 22 February 1371 after reigning for nearly forty-two years.
In the end, however—as I’m sure pleased the MacLomains—King David II left the Scottish monarchy in a far stronger position and the country of Scotland "a free and independent kingdom."
Edward Balliol
So what happened to the other bad guy in this series? Because in my opinion, whoever aligned themselves with England’s King Edward III was no real friend of Scotland’s.
As it turned out, around the same time King David II was being smuggled off to France, Balliol wasn’t faring much better. Though he was back in power via the English in 1333, it didn’t last long. Balliol ceded the whole of the district formerly known as Lothian to England’s King Edward and paid homage to him as liege lord. With no serious support in Scotland after that, he was defeated by his countrymen and fled Scotland once more.
In late 1334, Edward III invaded again, but unable to bring the Scots to battle, retreated in 1335. He and Edward Balliol returned yet again in 1336 with a large English army and advanced through Scotland, first to Glasgow and then to Perth, Edward III destroying the surrounding countryside as they went.
Nevertheless, the Scots fought back and, by late 1336, had regained control over virtually all of Scotland. By 1338 the tide had turned against the usurper, and Balliol was driven out alongside England’s King Edward.
Years later, Balliol returned to Scotland after the defeat of David II at the Battle of Neville's Cross in 1346 and raised an insurrection in Galloway in a final attempt to gain the crown of Scotland. He only succeeded in gaining control of some of Galloway, with his power diminishing there until 1355.
On 20 January 1356, Balliol surrendered his claim to the Scottish throne to Edward III in exchange for an English pension. He spent the rest of his life living in obscurity and died childless in 1367, in England.
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She’s death’s daughter with a bad case of amnesia.
He’s the one who made her forget everything.
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JOIN LEVIATHAN AND Destiny on an adventure across time as Viking Ancestors: Forged in Fire launches a series rife with through-the-roof passion, a host of villains, and an array of happily-ever-afters that won’t come easy. Now available for pre-order.
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First off, I’d like to thank all of you who have kept reading my books and followed my characters over the years. As I always say, without you, they’d be voiceless, their stories forever untold. I’d also like to thank those of you who just found me. I hope you’ve enjoyed spending time with all my various characters. Enough so that you might share your experience.
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Stonehenges, Stone of Destiny, and Bull Rock
America’s Stonehenge (Mystery Hill)
Salem, New Hampshire
United States
WHILE THE FIRST MENTION of the site was in 1907 and no pre-Columbian artifacts have been found, some still believe that the site is over 4000 years old. On the equinoxes and solstices, people flock to the area to watch the sun rise and fall over the huge chunks of granite, deciding for themselves whether or not they're standing amid relics of prehistory.
Calanais Standing Stones
Callanish, Isle of Lewis
The Outer Hebrides
ERECTED BETWEEN 2900 and 2600 BC, the Callandish (or Calanais) Stones are an arrangement of standing stones placed in a cruciform pattern with a central stone circle or tomb. They’re on a low ridge above the waters of Loch Roag with the hills of Great Bernera behind them.
Ring of Brodgar
The Orkneys
Erected between 2500 BC and 2000 BC, the Ring of Brodgar stands on a small isthmus between the Lochs of Stenness and Harray.
Machrie Moor Stone Circles
Isle of Aaran
Erected around 2030 BC, the Machrie Moor Stone Circles is a collective name for six circles formed of granite boulders, while others are built of tall red sandstone pillars.
Clava Cairns Stones
The Highlands
Around 4000 years old, the Clava Cairns Stones are a cemetery complex of passage graves; ring cairns, kerb cairns, and standing stones.
Stone of Scone (Stone of Destiny)
ACCORDING TO ONE CELTIC legend, the stone was once the pillow upon which the patriarch Jacob rested at Bethel when he beheld the visions of angels. From the Holy Land, it purportedly traveled to Egypt, Sicily, and Spain and reached Ireland about 700 BC to be set upon the hill of Tara, where the ancient kings of Ireland were crowned. Then it was taken by the Celtic Scots who invaded and occupied the land that became known as Scotland, having been named after the invaders. Around 840 AC, it was taken by Kenneth MacAlpin to the village of Scone.
Bull Rock
A rock located on the western point of what is now called Dursey Isle (Irish: Baoi Bhéarra).
Viking Ancestors
Forged in Fire
Book One
Book Two
Book Three
Book Four
Cover Coming Soon
Book Five
Cover Coming Soon
Previous Releases-Best Reading Order
~The MacLomain Series- Early Years~
Time Travel Fantasy Romance
Highland Defiance- Book One
Highland Persuasion- Book Two
Highland Mystic- Book Three
~The MacLomain Series~
Time Travel Fantasy Romance
The King’s Druidess- Prelude
Fate’s Monolith- Book One
Destiny’s Denial- Book Two
Sylvan Mist- Book Three
~The MacLomain Series- Next Generation~
Time Travel Fantasy Romance
Mark of the Highlander- Book One
Vow of the Highlander- Book Two
Wrath of the Highlander- Book Three
Faith of the Highlander- Book Four
Plight of the Highlander- Book Five
~The MacLomain Series- Viking Ancestors~
Time Travel Fantasy/Shifter Romance
Viking King- Book One
Viking Claim- Book Two
Viking Heart- Book Three
~The MacLomain Series- Later Years~
Time Travel Fantasy Romance
Quest of a Scottish Warrior- Book One
Yule’s Fallen Angel (spin-off novella)
Honor of a Scottish Warrior- Book Two
Oath of a Scottish Warrior- Book Three
Passion of a Scottish Warrior- Book Four
~The MacLomain Series- Viking Ancestors’ Kin~
Time Travel Fantasy/Shifter Romance
Rise of a Viking- Book One
Vengeance of a Viking- Book Two
A Viking Holiday- Book 2.5
Soul of a Viking- Book Three
Fury of a Viking- Book Four
Destiny’s Dragon- Book 4.5
Pride of a Viking- Book Five
~The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning~
Time Travel Fantasy Romance
Sworn to a Highland Laird- Book One
Taken by a Highland Laird- Book Two
Promised to a Highland Laird- Book Three
Avenged by a Highland Laird- Book Four
~Pirates of Britannia World~
Historical Romance
The Seafaring Rogue
The MacLomain Series: A New Beginning Spin-off
The Sea Hellion
Sequel to The Seafaring Rogue
~Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon~
Time Travel Fantasy/Shifter Romance
Viking King’s Vendetta- Book One
Viking’s Valor- Book Two
Viking’s Intent- Book Three
Viking’s Ransom- Book Four
Viking’s Conquest- Book Five
Viking’s Crusade- Book Six
~Free Spin-off Novella~
Historical Romance
Highland Yule (A MacLomain and MacLauchlin Hogmanay Tale)
~The MacLomain Series: End of an Era~
Time Travel Fantasy Romance
A Scot’s Pledge
A Scot’s Devotion
A Scot’s Resolve
A Scot’s Favor
A Scot’s Retribution
~Viking Ancestors: Forged in Fire~
~Highlander’s Pact~
Historical Romance
Scoundrel’s Vengeance
Scoundrel’s Fortune
Scoundrel’s Redemption
~Calum’s Curse Series~
Paranormal Romance
Sister series to The MacLomain Series. Can stand alone, but is best enjoyed after The MacLomain Series (Books 1-4) which includes The King’s Druidess.
The Victorian Lure- Book One
The Georgian Embrace- Book Two
The Tudor Revival- Book Three
~Forsaken Brethren Series~
Vampire Romance
Darkest Memory- Book One
Heart of Vesuvius- Book Two
~Pirate’s Intent~
Rescued by Passion
Steamy Historical Romance
Taken by Sin
Erotic Historical Romance
~Holiday Tales~
Time Travel Fantasy/Shifter Romance
Yule’s Fallen Angel
+ Bonus Novelette, Christmas Miracle
A Viking Holiday
~Viking Surrender Series~
Multi-author Anthology
Historical Erotic Romance
Family Trees
Click HERE to view Family Trees.
About the Author
Sky Purington is the
bestselling author of over fifty novels and novellas. A New Englander born and bred who recently moved to Virginia, Purington married her hero, has an amazing son who inspires her daily and two ultra-lovable husky shepherd mixes. Passionate for variety, Sky's vivid imagination spans several romance genres including historical, time travel, paranormal, and fantasy. Expect steamy stories teeming with protective alpha heroes and strong-minded heroines.
Purington loves to hear from readers and can be contacted at Sky@SkyPurington.com. Interested in keeping up with Sky’s latest news and releases? Either visit Sky’s website, www.SkyPurington.com, join her quarterly newsletter, or sign up for personalized text message alerts. Simply text ‘skypurington’ (no quotes, one word, all lowercase) to 74121 or visit Sky’s Sign-up Page. Texts will ONLY be sent when there is a new book release. Readers can easily opt out at any time.
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