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Pride of a Viking Page 19
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Page 19
“I’m not blocking you guys at all anymore, am I?” Erica muttered before she took a deep swig, damn glad for the alcohol.
“Nope,” Kage confirmed. He raised his mug in a toast and took a hearty swig. “So I’d say we start with why you worried the other Maeva took over when you thought about kicking every woman’s ass Kodran’s been with.”
Erica frowned. “I didn’t think that.”
“You did,” Vivienne confirmed and tapped Kage’s temple. “I heard it loud and clear right there.”
Glad Viv was here despite her unfortunate observations, Erica shrugged and took another swig.
“That wasn’t any other person in your head, Sis,” Sam continued. “Those were your own thoughts about Kodran and his former love...” When Cybil shot Samantha a look, she quickly rephrased. “His former friends that is. Not lovers.”
Erica’s eyes went to Lauren, and she was about to say if her uptight sister could handle being with such a former womanizer, then so could she. But as her eyes met Lauren’s, all she could see was her sister in another life. A woman who cared about her just as much then as she did now. So she bit her tongue and took another swig.
“As to you feeling off-kilter,” Viv continued. “My bet is you just experienced the same thing I did when I first hooked up with your brother.” She perked a brow at Erica. “That overwhelming sense of heaviness and disorientation you feel the further apart you are from your dragon mate.”
“Ayup, I might not be dragon but I get it,” came a deep voice before Sean O’Conner plunked down between Cybil and Samantha, snagged Sam’s mug and took a swig. “Sorry to barge in like this, but I’m really more part of the twenty-first century crowd.”
“Nice to meet you when I’m not in spirit form, Sean,” Erica said. “You’ve done a lot for everyone over the years, and I appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” he said softly before he glanced at Cybil. “It’s been more than worth it. And now I’m with friends again and finally see all this.” He shook his head, amazement in his eyes. “Tenth century Scandinavia.”
Erica nodded. While she could appreciate his outlook, she was more curious about something else. “No offense but I’m surprised that you, of all people, left Megan behind.”
“I didn’t,” he said, any lightheartedness in his tone fading. “She tricked me.”
“With a false promise,” he murmured as a deep frown settled on his face and he all but forgot the drink in his hand. “She said she would stay by my side when Sam started chanting and brought us back but somehow...” He ground his jaw in aggravation as his eyes drifted to the fire. “Somehow she managed to stay behind.”
“Hey.” Sam touched his shoulder and shook her head. “It wasn’t your fault, Sean. Megan did what she felt she needed to do.”
“I should’ve known better,” he muttered. “I should’ve known she’d pull something like this.”
“No,” Erica murmured. “I should have.” Her eyes met his. “I sold her the house. Not you. So this is on me.”
“No,” Kage grumbled. “I’m done with you putting everything on yourself, Erica.” His eyes went to Sean. “This is just family protecting family. That’s what Megan did. And we’ll get her back, man. We’ll figure it out.”
Sean nodded and murmured, “I hope so.”
“We will,” Cybil assured before her eyes went to Erica. “Thanks to how open your connection to all of us is now, we know things we didn’t before. Things Kage couldn’t tell us because he didn’t realize. We know exactly what you endured with Hallstein.” When her big sister took her hand, the emotion in Cybil’s eyes was unexpected. “We’ve all been down some rough roads since this began, Erica, but nothing quite like yours.” Her eyes grew damp. “Nothing at all like yours.”
“No,” Shannon whispered as her hand slipped into Erica’s free one. “Even my story can’t quite touch—”
“If you know everything I’ve gone through than you also know that Kodran has eliminated a lot of it,” Erica interrupted, not in the mood for pity no matter how well intended. “So it can’t get to me anymore.” She pulled her hands free and shook her head, meeting the only eyes that understood where she needed to be right now. Kage’s. That’s where she found her strength. “Things sucked for all of us at one point or another. Simple as that. But that’s in the past now.” She looked at the rest of them. “Right now, we need to focus on how we’re going to end this war once and for all. Because I’ll be damned if we’ve come this far, only to lose.”
“I could not agree more,” Lauren said and nodded.
“Damn straight,” Sam agreed.
Shannon nodded and met Cybil’s eyes. “So what’s the plan?”
“Heidrek and I agree that the best course of action is to do what we discussed. Erica will get Hallstein into a vulnerable position of our choosing.” Cybil’s eyes met Erica’s. “If, of course, everyone is in agreement.”
“Well, I certainly am.” Erica nodded. “And now that I know I’m just suffering from plain ol’ jealousy when it comes to Kodran’s exes and that Hel was right about me controlling Maeva, the odds are even more in our favor.”
“Do not be hard on yourself about feeling jealousy,” Lauren mentioned. “I can assure you Tait was more amorous than Kodran and yet it has not been uncomfortable being here. This society is very different. Open. His former women have been very friendly and welcoming...and seem to respect that there are new boundaries...around Tait that is.” A little spark of dragon flickered in her eyes. “A good circumference around him...a rather lengthy amount for that matter.”
Everyone eyed Lauren with amusement as Erica said, “Well, I would hope so because rumor has it you’re a damn fierce dragon and not one to screw with.” She chuckled. “And no worries, Sis. I can handle a little healthy jealousy.”
Lauren nodded and the dragon in her eyes faded.
Erica looked at Viv. “So if we can’t even connect with Megan, how are we going to let your people know we’re almost ready for them?”
“For starters, I’m fairly certain Grant can connect with Megan,” Viv said. “Because I don’t think he’d ever put himself in a position where he couldn’t reach Julie and my kin at the colonial in New Hampshire.” She gave everyone a pointed look. “So if he can touch base with them, it stands to reason he can with Megan as well.”
“I agree.” Cybil nodded. “That means it’s only a matter of time before Naðr convinces Grant to bring him to the future.”
“And only a matter of time before my people join us,” Viv added.
“I still can’t believe that Julie’s been part of this all along.” Sean shook his head, a grateful look on his face. “A lot of people sacrificed to help out with...everything.”
“They sure did,” Sam agreed, standing as Bjorn and Sven entered. “Is it done then? Is Naðr doing better?”
“Yes.” Bjorn appeared pleased as he brushed his lips across hers then said, “Now he will need to sleep for a while as his body regenerates. Uncle Raknar, Uncle Kol and my aunts will stay with him until he awakes.”
Sam flinched. “He can’t be happy about sleeping again.”
Sven shook his head. “He was not.”
Seconds later, Emily and Håkon flew in the door chasing each other in dragon form.
“What did I tell you two?” Shannon stood, her expression stern. “No more shifting indoors. It’s a bad habit to get into considering how fast you’re growing.”
Håkon shifted back immediately, fully dressed and offered a proper apology. Emily, however, kept running around as a dragon until Matthew’s sharp words rang out. “Listen to your mother, Emily.”
Her little dragon skidded to a halt, hung her head then shifted back as well, mumbling, “Sorry, Mama.” Then her eyes honed in on Erica, and she cocked her head. “My dragon says you’re my Auntie Erica. Mama’s twin.” She considered her. “But you don’t look anything like mama.”
Erica bit back emotion. She
hadn’t seen her niece since she was a baby. “Your dragon is right. I am your mother’s twin, but we’re fraternal, not identical.” She stood and held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Emily.”
Emily kept considering her, suddenly a little sad. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to be around sooner and that you had to be with the bad guy so much.” Instead of shaking her hand, Emily flung her arms around Erica and pressed her cheek against her stomach, mumbling, “He can’t hurt you anymore. Not now that you’re with us and Uncle Kodran.”
Erica perked her brows at Shannon as she hugged Emily and thanked her for the kind words.
“Your daughter’s pretty special, isn’t she?” she said into Shannon’s mind.
“More than you know,” Shannon confirmed.
She spent a few minutes with Emily, all of which Erica couldn’t get a word in edgewise before Shannon told the kids it was time to go get ready for dinner. Emily hugged Erica one more time before she and Håkon joined Sven and they left.
Soon after, everyone else joined Erica and her family. A little rush of excitement blew through her when her eyes met Kodran’s. A feeling she expected would never go away. Before she could ask him if Naðr was resting well, he pulled her close and kissed her. Not just a peck but the sort of kiss that made her damn eager to get to his lodge.
“Soon,” he murmured into her mind as he sat and plunked her down on his lap. “Very soon.”
He nodded thanks as someone handed him a horn of ale.
Everybody joined them around the fire except for Bjorn, Samantha, and Kage.
“We will be back later.” Bjorn’s eyes met Heidrek’s. “Are you sure you’re ready for my entire kingdom to come here?”
“Yes.” Heidrek nodded. “It is important that Hallstein thinks we are planning to cower behind my Fortress walls.”
Bjorn nodded, and he and Samantha left. Kage gave Viv one hell of a kiss before he murmured, “Be back soon,” and left as well.
Erica was about to ask why Kage was going too then it occurred to her. It would take more than just Sam to shift that many people. With Kage’s help, a fellow Gateway Seer, it should be far easier.
“In regards to Hallstein.” Heidrek looked at Grant. “Do you know where he is? Because we are all assuming you expected him to follow Erica back in time before Kodran intercepted her.”
“Assumption,” Grant murmured. “Never a good thing.” A smile ghosted his face. “As it turned out, my actions were based on making sure Kodran and Erica traveled back to ancient Scandinavia. That they remembered everything they had forgotten.” His eyes went to Erica. “You, I imagine, would have a better idea what Hallstein’s next move was going to be, aye?”
“I thought for sure he would follow me,” she said. “I thought things would remain on my terms.”
“Maybe he did follow her,” Kodran said. “And he’s hiding out somewhere getting ready to attack.”
“Or,” Erica said as unfamiliar thoughts flickered through her mind. “Something’s slowed him down.” She shook her head, trying to catch snippets of what she realized were the other Maeva’s thoughts. A second voice in her head enraged but unable to surface. Erica couldn’t help a small, triumphant smile as she got the scoop on Hallstein thanks to Maeva. “Like Kjar said, now that the tree’s cut down, he has no hope of harnessing its powers. And Hel’s making it damn hard to use Helheim to find his way back like he always has before.” Then something else came through. An alarming alternative. Her eyes shot to Grant. “Though it was never confirmed, he knew Viv had family in New Hampshire. He’s looking into that.”
“Bloody hell,” Grant muttered. “I have to go.”
“Wait.” Erica shook her head. “I’m new at this whole controlling Maeva thing. What if she’s planting a trap? What if you go back and Hallstein forces you and Viv’s people to transport him back in time?”
“Is Maeva still in contact with Hallstein?” Grant asked.
“Not without my say so,” she replied.
“And if you said so, would you be able to control her communication with him?”
“Yes,” Erica confirmed. “She has no power over me now. Which means every word out of her mouth is mine.” She quirked the corner of her mouth. “And I know exactly how to sound like her so he wouldn’t suspect a thing.”
“Then there is our answer,” Grant said softly. “I will be in contact when the time is right.” His eyes stayed with Erica. “When it is, you will relay the message to Hallstein.” His eyes went to Viv then Heidrek. “And you will get into position to not only welcome back your kin but go to war with Hallstein and the full force of his dragons.”
“Hell,” Viv muttered and met Grant’s eyes. “You’re going to bring him straight to the Colonial in New Hampshire, aren’t you?”
“They’re prepared for this, Vivienne. They’re ready,” Grant said. “They have been waiting a long time for revenge.”
“I know.” Her eyes stayed with his. “Promise me Julie won’t be there.” She shook her head. “Keep her away from this.”
“I will,” he replied. “You have my word, lass.”
Viv nodded.
“So now we wait,” Matthew said, his eyes going to Heidrek. “Bjorn’s village is coming here. Do you want to stop that in light of this information?”
“No.” Heidrek shook his head. “For the benefit of whatever kin Hallstein still has skulking about in this era, I will have it reported to him that we are joining forces here.” He looked at Grant. “When we get word, we will be wherever we need to be to end this.”
Grant nodded, and started to murmur a chant before Mema Angie entered and said, “Wait.”
When Grant’s eyes met hers, she shook her head and joined him. “I’m going back too.” A determined look entered her eyes. “And I’m finding a way to bring Megan home.”
Cybil’s eyes lit a little. It was clear she agreed. No doubt she was remembering Eydis’ words about this very thing.
Grant eyed Mema Angie for a long moment before he nodded, continued his chant and then they both vanished.
Heidrek brushed a kiss across Cybil’s lips before he gestured at Tait and Matthew. “Come, let us go make sure everything is prepared, every man is standing by and every weapon sharpened.”
Kodran stood and set Erica down so he could follow, but Heidrek shook head. “No, you will remain by Erica’s side until this is all over.” His eyes went between them. “You are stronger together.”
“Then I’ll come along so Kodran can too,” Erica volunteered, but Heidrek shook his head again. “No. You two have been through a lot in very little time. Now you will eat, rest and gain your strength for what lies ahead.”
“A good idea.” Viv stood. “I’ll join you instead, Heidrek. I’ve told you all about my people. Now I will share which weapons they fight best with so that we are prepared when they arrive if for some reason they have to battle as humans.”
Heidrek nodded and gestured that she follow before they left.
“Meanwhile,” Cybil said as her eyes met Erica’s. “You will do as Heidrek suggested and then if you’re up for it, meet us in the great hall later.” She smiled. “After all, you two are celebrities around here.”
Kodran grinned. “Are we then?”
Cybil nodded. “Almost as much as Vivienne and Kage were when they arrived.”
Erica smiled. “Well deserved on both their parts.”
Before she could scoot out of there with Kodran, her sisters gave her last minute hugs, grateful to have her back. By the time they made it to his lodge, she was feeling different. Lighter. Happier.
“It’s good that you’ve reconnected with your sisters,” he murmured as he began to slowly remove her clothing and drop random kisses on her lips. “I think it will be beneficial in many ways.”
“I do too,” she whispered as she pushed and pulled at his clothes as well. “I’m surprised we’re not just using magic to do this.”
“I like it better this way someti
mes,” he murmured against her lips. “Draws the moment out, yes? Makes you feel more appreciated?”
“Oh, it draws it out all right,” she muttered, so turned on it was painful. Her skin felt like it was going to burst into flames, so she issued her own chant and unclothed them. “But I already feel more than appreciated so no worries.”
They didn’t even make it to the bed before he released a low growl, lifted her, pressed her against a support beam and thrust deep inside. She cried out and wrapped her legs around him as she grabbed the wood above her with one hand and dug her nails into his shoulder with the other.
He didn’t slam into her but started to thrust and grind slowly, teasing and tempting. She had never felt anything so arousing. Had never seen anything so damn hot as him leaning back just enough that she could appreciate every inch of him as he moved. She wasn’t sure if it was her magic or his, but she not only saw what she could view from her angle but all angles.
From the front, she watched his abs flex as well as the muscles in his chest and arms as he held her. His body glistened with a light sheen of sweat, somehow making all those chiseled sexy-as-hell muscles look even better.
Then there was the view from the backside.
Damn. She just about drooled as she watched his ass flex every time he thrust.
In the meantime, he seemed to be enjoying the view too as he held her up with one arm and his eyes followed his free hand down her body. It was clear based on the way his lips fell apart, and his gaze grew heavy lidded and intense that he liked not only what he felt but what he saw.
He trailed the pad of his weapon-roughened thumb down her neck then between her breasts before he began to caress first one then the other. She groaned and bit her lip hard as he developed a rhythm that seemed to involve thrusting then either pinching her nipples or some other creative thing. It was an erotic pattern that had her digging her nails deeper into his back.
“Hell, Kodran,” she gasped as he drove her closer and closer.
Yet it seemed he was doing it to himself as well because a couple of thrusts later he grabbed the beam above her head, clenched his jaw and started moving faster. So fast and deep she skipped moans and groans and kept with cries of pleasure.