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A Scot's Retribution (The MacLomain Series: End of an Era Book 5) Read online

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  In fact, unlike making love in dreams, there was an urgency now. A ferociousness and desperation that made her dig her heels into his ass and her nails into his back. Her vision grew redder and her breathing heavier, matching the slam of her heart. She growled, urging him on, needing him to go deeper, faster, harder before, suddenly, the building inferno crested, and she seized up.

  As if he’d known how close she was, he thrust one last time and roared his release, locking up inside her, just before she clamped down hard on him.

  She tried to draw in air but couldn’t. Her body felt taut, strung like a bow, trapped in a limbo of sweet suspension before everything let go. Euphoric pleasure rocketed through her before warm, throbbing waves of bliss. Shaking, trembling all over, she tried to hold onto him but felt liquefied. As though her muscles literally melted, useless as she drifted in ecstasy.

  Gone in bliss, she had no idea how long he remained pulsing inside her, only that he was reluctant to move. Like her, he wanted to stay locked together for as long as possible. Intimate in a way they’d enjoyed so little of.

  Eventually, though, he finally laid back and pulled her into his arms.

  She tried to stay awake, but she was so incredibly relaxed that when he tucked her against him under a fur, she just couldn’t do it.

  Or so she assumed because the next thing she knew, she dreamt.

  Better yet, relived a moment from her past life.

  “I didn’t want to approach you, friend,” came a soft feminine voice in her mind. “But I fear I have no choice.”

  In the form of a unicorn, Chara turned to find none other than Destiny behind her. Or at least the Destiny she’d been back then. So said her ancient clothing and the daunting black aura around her.

  “Who are ye?” her unicorn asked, wary, sensing darkness in Destiny. “What do ye want?”

  “To tell ye secrets,” Destiny whispered, drifting closer. Almost as if she moved without walking. “To tell ye how to stop what comes for ye. To give ye half a chance.”

  “What comes for me?” Her unicorn magic felt askew. As if it were trying to warn her about something. “Who are ye again?”

  “Stay away from yer rock in the Stonehenge,” Destiny warned, not answering her questions but determined to relay a message it seemed. “If ye cannot stay away, find the gem, ye know the one, and write to yer warrior. Remind him what needs to be done.”

  Chara was about to respond, but it was too late.

  The dream faded, and she returned to Scotland.

  Morning sunlight cast pale yellow on the tent, and Marek stared at her so lovingly, she nearly teared up.

  “You’re okay,” she whispered, having to ask despite what happened between them last night. “Really okay?”

  “Aye.” Marek propped up on an elbow and brushed a lock of hair away from her eye. “Verra okay, lass.” He glanced around. “But that isnae what you mean, aye?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “You were gone from us for a while yesterday.”

  She told him how he’d gone into a trance yesterday after the battling. According to Destiny, he wasn’t possessed or dangerous, but transitioning as she called it. He had just met Destiny in their first life, triggering the start of so much, and it would take time for him to return to normal.

  “It was awful.” Chara shuddered. “You just...weren’t there. After the tent was erected, you simply lay down and went to sleep. Worried about you, I stayed until I drifted off too.”

  “Och, lass, I’m sorry.” He ran his finger along her jawline before he seemed to sense something. “You just met Destiny for the first time in a dream, too, aye?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed, sitting up. “We need to go talk to her. She has some explaining to do.”

  “Aye, ‘tis about bloody time too.” He sat up as well and cupped her cheek, his tone tender. “Before we go, how are you?” Concern lit his eyes. “I was rougher than I should have been last night. Did I hurt you?”

  “Not at all.” She offered a small smile. “I feel great.” Suddenly aroused and eager for more, she pressed her thighs together. “Actually, I’m pretty sure my dragon surfaced while we were in the throes of it.” She touched the corner of his eye. “Yours too.”

  “Aye, ‘twas good to feel.” He inhaled deeply and growled with approval. “If you dinnae stop putting off that scent, we might never get a chance to question Destiny.”

  “Right.” She tried to get herself under control, but the more she looked at him, the harder it was. All she could think about was what they'd done the night before. How he’d made her feel. How she wanted more of it. Much more. All the time. Maybe even right now before they sought out the goddess.

  As if she knew, and probably did, that they were talking about her, Destiny spoke from outside the tent. “Hey, you two, breakfast is ready if you’re hungry.”

  While more than tempted to pick up where they left off last night, they knew they needed answers before all else. So they dressed only for Marek to stop her before they stepped outside.

  “You know I love you, aye, lass?” He cupped her cheek again. “No matter what Destiny tells us or how evil I became, that’s the one certainty in all this.”

  “I know.” She tilted her cheek into his touch. “I love you too, no matter what.”

  Based on what they shared with each other about their experiences with Destiny in Ireland, it seemed her friend wasn’t exactly ‘good' either. Which, in retrospect, very likely had something to do with Leviathan’s distrust of her.

  By the time they joined Destiny at the fire, most were packing up to leave. Tiernan, Julie, and Cray were there, though, almost as if they’d been waiting for them.

  Relief lit Cray’s eyes when he saw that Marek had returned to normal. “How do you fare, brother?”

  “Good,” Marek assured. “All’s well now.”

  “Aye?” Cray shook his head. “Because what happened to you yesterday was bloody unsettling.” Before he spoke again, his dragon eyes flared, and he grinned, obviously figuring out what they’d done since. “Och, but you are better to be sure.” He winked at Marek and Chara. “And working hard to draw your dragons to the surface.”

  Chara blushed but wasn’t as embarrassed as she might have been. Rather, whatever had taken place seemed to have improved her confidence. Not that she ran insecure as a rule, but something had changed. Improved in some undefinable way. If that weren’t enough, she felt not only closer to Cray, who she’d only just met, but Madison if she wasn’t mistaken.

  “Aye, brother,” Marek said, pleased. “For the first time in a long time, I’m starting to feel my inner beastie again.” He looked at Chara and explained why she felt how she did. “’Tis your inner beast surfacing that makes you feel closer to fellow dragons. ’Twill also, by its verra nature, lend to your self-confidence.”

  “Ah.” She smiled, liking the feeling. A growing inner strength that felt unique. Powerful in its own right. “I can only imagine how I’ll feel when it’s fully surfaced.”

  “Never mind that,” Madison exclaimed, plunking down on Cray’s lap. Her hair was askew and her eyes a little dewy, as though she’d just awoken from a night of lovemaking. Rough lovemaking at that. “Just wait until you mate.” She dropped a kiss on Cray’s cheek and grinned. “What a ride!”

  Of all the Brouns who’d traveled back in time, Madison had changed the most. Almost as if she’d morphed from a moth into a butterfly. Or better yet, based on the obvious heat simmering between her and Cray, into a dragon. Little Ceann, of course, only added to the fun. According to Madison, being pregnant felt like she was in a constant state of heat.

  She couldn’t imagine what being in heat would feel like after what she’d experienced last night. Would she and Marek ever leave the bed? It didn’t sound like it. Which would suit her just fine when the time came. She could imagine spending all day and night wrapped in each other’s arms trying all sorts of...

  Marek inhaled sharply and spoke telepathically. �
��If you dinnae stop thinking those thoughts and putting off that sweet scent, I’ll be back betwixt your thighs before we have a chance to speak with Destiny.” He shot her a predatory, telling look, the lust in his dragon eyes blatant. “Mayhap betwixt your thighs before we even reach the tent.”

  Taking his point, but more aroused than ever by the visual, she cleared her throat and did her best to focus on her friend. “I take it you’re ready to share more, Destiny.”

  She wasn’t surprised when Leviathan joined them. Despite his wariness, he seemed particularly interested not just in Destiny’s revelations but the goddess herself.

  “First and foremost,” Chara went on, “why did you have a dark aura around you back then? Because it felt sinister.”

  Leviathan’s eyes narrowed on Destiny, but he remained quiet.

  “While I can’t tell you the particulars,” Destiny replied, “as you can clearly see, the darkness affiliated with my aura is gone.”

  “That which we can see.” Leviathan’s eyes narrowed even further as if he sensed something. “But what of the darkness that had to have been within you?”

  “It's all gone.” Destiny didn’t spare the Viking a glance but kept her eyes locked on Marek and Chara before she ended up sharing something they didn’t see coming.

  In retrospect, she revealed something that made perfect sense.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “’TWAS YOU, THEN?” Marek frowned at the goddess, still processing her revelation despite it being somewhat implied on Ethyn and Ciara's adventure. “You recruited me into the Brotherhood in Ireland. Then you helped me do whatever it was I did in the end. That which you still willnae share.”

  “That’s right on all counts,” Destiny replied. “At one time, I was allied with them.” She gave Chara an apologetic look. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner, but I can only reveal things in bits or...”

  “Or what?” Chara prompted when her friend trailed off and ground her jaw in frustration, as though tempted to say more. “Why can you only tell us things in pieces? And why...how were you affiliated with such darkness?”

  “Let’s just say, though not at first, I was eventually undercover,” Destiny replied carefully, clearly gauging her every word. “I didn’t want what was going to take place to happen.”

  Leviathan’s steady gaze on Destiny never faltered. “What do you mean, ‘at first?’”

  “Just like it sounds, Viking.” She frowned at him. “At first, I supported the Brotherhood, then I did not.”

  “Why would you to begin with, though?” Chara asked, clearly hurt. “Why would you want to be part of something so sinister?”

  “Because I was angry.” Destiny shook her head. “Really, really angry.” She sighed. “Then I started watching you and your Fianna together...then I spoke with you both for the first time.” She swallowed hard. “After that, I knew I had to try to stop what was about to happen.”

  “What did happen, Destiny?” Chara pleaded with her eyes. “Please, just tell us already.”

  “I can’t.” Destiny shook her head, pained. “I’m so sorry, but I just can’t.” She sat beside Chara, took her hand, and looked at her with her heart in her eyes. “Pretty soon, you’ll know why and I hope you’ll forgive me. That you’ll understand.”

  Though Chara was upset, Marek knew she was too kind a soul to be angry at Destiny when the goddess had been there for her through so much.

  “I can’t imagine not forgiving you,” Chara murmured.

  “Why did I dream of the first time I lay with Chara after seeing you?” Marek asked Destiny. “’Twas almost as if there were a design to it.”

  “Meeting me for the first time triggered what will now come even swifter,” Destiny replied. “Like time closing in on itself. The past and future merging.” She looked between Marek and Chara. “Beyond your first kiss and laying together, something else happened in that bed of golden clovers. Something you’ll remember soon enough.”

  “You mentioned a gem when we first met,” Chara said. “First, you said I should stay away from our rock at the Stonehenge. Then, if I couldn't stay away, to use the gem to write to my warrior. To remind him what needs to be done.” She frowned. “What did you mean by that? What gem?”

  “You’ll know soon,” Destiny assured, remaining painfully vague. “When the time is right.”

  “Follow the king that leads to a ring,” Marek murmured, repeating his tattooed words. “See then the foe whose fate ye sow.” He eyed Destiny. “’Tis you, aye? The foe whose fate we sow?”

  “Yes.” She glanced in the general direction of Tiernan’s tattoo, evidently sensing something had changed. “Meanwhile, things progress quickly, don’t they?”

  Tiernan rolled up his sleeve to reveal another circle filled with color. This time a light turquoise to match Aidan and Chloe’s gem. They, of course, were the second couple to come together.

  “Which means you must have more words glowing?” Chara looked at Marek. “I didn’t think to look at your back earlier.”

  He pulled off his shirt and turned to reveal that there were, in fact, more words ignited with color.

  Trust the light within the fight. Choose to sin, but do not give in.

  “Well, isn’t that one a little juicy,” Madison remarked.

  “Are you the light within the fight?” Leviathan pondered, eyeing Destiny as though this latest riddle was a little too convenient. “For dark auras aside, you are a light in your own way.”

  Destiny’s brows shot up. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “I'm but pointing out the obvious,” he said dryly, perking a brow at her. “You are half god, after all.”

  “I’m more curious about the second part of the message,” Julie interjected, “considering where Marek ended up after seeing you for the first time, Destiny.” Her Guardian Witch magic seemed to pick up on something. “Chara mentioned she and Marek’s Fianna couldn’t sleep together until she was fully human, but it sounds like they came close...like maybe you wanted them to.”

  “I did,” Destiny confirmed vaguely. “As to that actually happening, I can’t say.”

  She could, though, and they all knew it.

  “Good morn,” King David said, joining them. His faithful little companion Phelan was by his side. She wagged her tail and eyed the meat that had just come off the spit. David looked at Marek. “I heard ye were feeling unwell yesterday. Are ye better today?”

  “Aye, much.” He was glad to see the boy unafraid of him when he had every right to be. “Thank ye, my king.”

  “And how are ye, unicorn dragon?” David looked at Chara with concern. “Are ye better now too? I know yer mate gave ye quite the fright.”

  Marek squeezed Chara’s hand in comfort, well aware how scared she had been for him.

  “I am better, thanks,” she replied kindly, returning David’s smile. “Would you and Phelan like to join us to eat?”

  “Aye,” the king confirmed, sitting beside her. Chara might not be a unicorn in this life, but it was clear David saw her as such. That he liked being around her.

  They ended up talking of other things for a while, enjoying their time with the wee king. Cherishing every moment. For everyone knew their time with David was dwindling down. If all went as it should, they would soon have to leave him to the past.

  “’Tis unsettling to know we’ll eventually leave David behind,” Marek admitted later that morning as they made their way west across Scotland. “When next we see him, if we see him, he’ll be an adult.”

  “But just think of the stories you’ll be able to share then?” Chara smiled at him over her shoulder. “About this amazing time in history that no one else knows about.”

  “Aye,” he agreed, appreciating her optimism yet worried about her in general. “How are you, lass? ‘Tis not easy riding horseback day after day, never mind after what we did last night.”

  Because no matter which way one looked at it, she had just lost her virginity. />
  “I’m fine,” she assured. Though she looked ahead, he could hear the smile in her voice. “I didn’t hurt then, and I don’t hurt now.” She rested back against him. “But if we keep talking about this, my mind’s sure to go in a certain direction, and it’s best that doesn’t happen right now.”

  She was right because the smell of her arousal drove him to distraction, and he needed to remain focused with so much danger about. Yet it seemed he was too late when moments later, her scent was all around him anyway.

  Almost as if her aroma triggered it, Scotland vanished, and they were once again in Ireland.

  “We’re close to where we slept together in a dream the first time,” Chara said into his mind as he helped her down, and they proceeded forward on foot. She was about to say more when they heard voices and laughter ahead.

  “’Tis us again.” He crouched behind a rock they could peek over and pulled her down beside him.

  His Fianna had been chasing her incarnate and just caught up to her where they first kissed. She laughed when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his arms.

  “There’s desperation in our happiness,” Chara said. “As though we’re afraid our time together is going to end. That we should sleep together before we lose each other.” She glanced at him. “Do you feel it?”

  “Aye.” He shook his head. “Yet I willnae take you. I willnae risk it.”

  His Fianna cupped Chara’s cheeks and kissed her deeply before bringing her down to the bed of flowers.

  “No, you won’t risk it,” she murmured, her arousal at what they witnessed obvious. “But you will see me satisfied.”

  That he couldn’t argue with. Not in that life, or this one.

  “’Twas clearly risky to push it like that but aye,” he agreed, just as aroused by the sight of them being intimate. It didn’t matter that they were fully clothed. “I would have done it again and again.”

  “God, the love between us was so obvious.” A tear leaked from the corner of her eye as she watched them. “I can still feel it now. Just as strongly as I could then.”


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