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Pride of a Viking Page 12

  She said nothing, couldn’t, as emotions overwhelmed her. Not just what she felt now but had likely felt in her other lives as she looked at him. He had been her husband and soul mate on a different world and her greatest love on this planet. Time and time again. While she meant what she said in regards to her Trojan horse theory, she prayed that things would happen differently. That she would have a chance to know and love him in at least one life without the enemy sinking his teeth into what they shared. At least one life without Bard destroying all they had together.

  She took Kodran’s hand and pulled him closer until he was less than a foot away. It was time to take this to the next level. She could tell by the look in his eyes he was ready. That waiting any longer was only putting off the inevitable.

  Though she meant to lead and direct because she thought what Hallstein had done to her would require it, that wasn’t the case at all. Kodran had proven that he would let her have all the control if she wanted it. He would again and again as long as she needed it. It was for those reasons that she trusted him completely not to take more than she could give. And to stop if she needed him to.

  Clearly sensing that she wanted him to take control, he cupped her cheeks and searched her eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “God, yes,” she whispered and closed her eyes seconds before he kissed her.

  While the kiss they had shared before had been astounding, this one felt a thousand times more intense. Deeper. More passionate. The feel of his lips and the way he moved his tongue made things come alive in her she had never felt before.

  His lips eventually trailed down the side of her neck as his hand caressed between her legs, and sparked knee-weakening desire. Before she lost her balance, he lowered her to the warm grass between the massive roots twisting and turning toward the shore. He continued kissing and touching her until she was squirming in desperation and yanking at her clothes. She was burning up and wanted to feel his skin against hers.

  “Shh,” he whispered between kisses as he kept stroking her. “You deserve...”

  “No,” she moaned as she shook her head and yanked her shirt off. “I know you want this to be all about me and to show me affection, but we can do that later.” She tugged off her boots. “I just hurt too damn much right now if you get my meaning.”

  It seemed he did because he was yanking his clothing off just as quickly.

  In record time, she finally got what she had been waiting for when he came over her again but this time with nothing between them but heat and anticipation. She spread her legs, so ready she was about to scream. Desperate, their lips came together seconds before he began to fill her.

  She gasped against his lips and then met his eyes. He didn’t thrust hard but took his time, worked his way in slowly and let her adjust. Nothing had ever felt like this. So engulfing. So unbelievably potent. She started trembling as she simply felt him.

  His eyes never left hers but churned with all the same things she felt. Unfiltered intensity. Raw emotion. A need to remain in this moment but at the same time an addiction to what they might feel next. What it would become once he started moving.

  “Erica,” he whispered before his lips found hers again, he started to move and took them on a journey far more poignant than merely traveling back in time forty-five thousand years or so.

  She gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around him as a myriad of sensations washed over her. Gooseflesh raced like a tidal wave over every last inch of her skin, and everything turned hypersensitive from her inner thighs to her breasts to the tips of her toes.

  He was making her come alive in a whole new way.

  Not only did everything feel so much more vivid but her sense of scent and sight seemed to be sharpening as well. She inhaled deeply as their scents mingled. The sweet, spicy, singular scent that was all theirs. The way it marked him every bit as much as it marked her...became her. Then there was sight. How much more intense it became. How brighter the blue of his eyes. How much more vivid the green of the leaves above.

  Something was happening that went well beyond sex.

  A transcendent feeling.



  Tears rolled down her cheeks as his thrusts increased and she moved in rhythm with him. It was as if they had done this a thousand times before. Just like Eluf and Maeva but somehow better because they had suffered through so much and persevered. They had found one another again in not just one life but three, and somehow this time there was a new strength within them.

  One they were just discovering now.

  Ripples weren’t just spanning out from her core to her outer extremities but seemed to be ricocheting right back to where they were joined. She dug her nails into his shoulders as her body started to climb a wave of sensation so strong it didn’t seem to have a beginning or end.

  Their breathing grew harsher as he thrust harder and she welcomed it.

  His hips rolled and ground every bit as much as hers as they met each other in a dance that had been theirs since the beginning of time. He wasn’t just driving her up a cliff toward release anymore but catapulting her.

  “Oh...oh...” she started gasping because she felt so much she was losing touch with herself...with reality maybe. Then it happened. He started shaking, thrust deep one last time and roared in release.

  Then everything exploded.

  Or so it seemed.

  She cried out as her body locked up then let go in a spasm of pleasure she never could have anticipated. Colors grew a thousand times brighter. Sounds grew sharper and more beautiful. What was this? Euphoria? No matter, she was part of it, him, and wanted to stay there forever.

  He continued to shake as he spent himself in her. Even that she could feel so vividly. His hot heat inside her. The way it warmed her womb. Her eyes slid shut as she enjoyed it. The feel of him becoming part of her somehow. Merging in a whole new way.

  She knew somehow at that moment, as his seed filled her, that they never had children. They had tried on another world, but it hadn’t happened. Then they didn’t dare on this world. If nothing else, it could put the child in mortal danger.

  Then Bard did what he did so even if they wanted to it was too late.

  Though Kodran breathed heavily and his cheek rested beside hers, she sensed he was following her every thought. When he lifted his head and met her eyes, she knew he was. Children had been important to them.

  Their own child.

  “Kodran,” she whispered as the leaves overhead caught her attention. “Look.”

  They were glowing gold against the blue sky.

  “Well, isnae that something, aye?” came a soft burr.

  Kodran did his best to pull their clothes close while he shielded her and scowled at Adlin. Meanwhile, the ghost admired the tree.

  “Turn around, Adlin,” Kodran growled.

  “Och.” Adlin rolled his eyes before he leaned against the tree facing the opposite direction. “Do you really think I care about your nudity?” There was a grin in his voice. “All I care about is that you finally got around to solving your mystery.”

  Erica rolled her eyes and yanked on her clothes before she started on her boots. “Not sure if you’ve heard, but people generally like to have some time alone after they’ve solved their mystery.”

  “So you say,” Adlin said.

  “So I agree,” Kodran mumbled as he yanked on his boots.

  “I dinnae see why me being here is such a big deal,” Adlin said. “When you already have spectators.”

  “What?” Erica and Kodran said at the same time.

  “Aye.” Adlin turned and motioned toward the shore. “I think they’ve been waiting for you to notice them.”

  They stood and held hands as Eluf and Maeva did the same and looked right back at them.

  “Is it me or are they really looking at us?” Erica murmured.

  “Oh, aye, they’re definitely looking at you,” Adlin said.

  Kodran pulled
her closer and drew his blade as not only they approached, but another young woman appeared beside them.

  “Oh my God,” Erica whispered. “It can’t be...”

  “Welcome,” Eluf said in greeting as the three stopped in front of them. “We have been waiting for you.” His eyes dropped to the Gungnir blade. “And we are so glad you got our message. The caves below this tree will keep you safe as long as you are here as will that blade.”

  Erica and Kodran remained speechless as everyone eyed each other. It was the other woman, however, that she ended up staring at. “Mema Angie?”

  “I am sorry.” The woman looked from Maeva and Eluf to Erica. “I do not know who you speak of. My name is Eydis.”

  “Which means goddess of good luck,” Erica whispered, not sure how she knew that.

  Eydis only looked confused.

  “Eydis is one of my head apprentices,” Eluf said in introduction.

  “She’s seer and demi-god,” Kodran said softly. “I just don’t know which god.”

  “Which gods do not matter,” Eluf said.

  Which gods? Plural? How was that even possible? Hell, Mema Angie had been keeping secrets, hadn’t she?

  “You both have come far in life. We are very proud,” Maeva continued. It was clear that she was older and wiser though she hadn’t aged. “You will see far more difficult things very soon. Things that we wish you could forget but are the only way to learn the truth and finally accomplish what we couldn’t.”

  “What happened?” Erica shook her head. “Why not just tell us?”

  “Because that is not how the power of the tree and blade work,” Eluf said. “The only way to get to the truth is to witness it,” a frown settled on his face, “feel it.”

  That didn’t sound promising.

  “We cannot stay much longer, not like this,” Maeva said. “This will be the last time we can contact you. As it were, we are but ghosts of ourselves sent from the afterlife. Part of a spell cast to help everyone reconnect. After this, we will no longer know you are watching us...reliving with us.”

  “Then why come forward at all.” Kodran frowned and shook his head. “If you’re not going to help us on the rest of our journey.”

  “We will still be helping you.” Eluf gestured at Eydis. “Through my apprentice.”

  “So you’ll be speaking through her?” Erica asked.

  “No.” Maeva’s eyes met Eydis’ in gratefulness before they went to Erica’s. “Now that you have lain beneath the tree, your powers will grow quickly. She will help guide you on the remainder of your journey before Bard ever becomes the wiser.”

  Erica had a thousand questions and knew Kodran did too, but neither said a word. It almost felt like sacrilege to do as much, and she couldn’t quite figure out why. Something had been set in motion. Events that would end up spanning over forty-five thousand years. And she had a feeling it was the same something a young, innocent Maeva had presented to Eluf in the dirt beneath a tree one day.


  “Then thank you,” Erica said to both of them. “For all you did for us so long ago.”

  “And thank you,” Eluf said to both she and Kodran. “For getting our message.”

  Erica and Kodran glanced at one another. Had they gotten the message Eluf spoke about? She hoped so. Because there had been many. She was about to mention that, but it was too late. They faded away. So had Adlin for that matter. The only one remaining was Eydis.

  Curious, Erica eyed the woman. “So you have no idea who you will become?” She shook her head. “The child you will have? Namely my brother.” She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. She wouldn’t mention what else she knew right now. “Which means you’re going to end up having sex with Einar’s reincarnate at some point.” She narrowed her eyes. “I take it you know who he is, right? One of the original dragons?”

  Kodran’s hand came to the small of Erica’s back. “Maybe now’s not the time—”

  “It is okay,” Eydis said, her eyes never leaving Erica’s. “Einar is a dear friend. One who already foretold that he would need my help someday.”

  “Help?” Erica cocked her brows. “That’s sort of an understatement, don’t you think?” She shook her head again. “I love you to death in the far future, but this is sounding pretty damn devious especially considering how much he loves the woman who was just burned at the stake.”

  Sadness filled Eydis’ eyes. “It was a very sad thing.”

  She sounded genuine.

  “So you’re not involved with him in this life?”



  “No, of course not.” Eydis’ eyes widened, and she shook her head as she reiterated, “We are but good friends.”

  If so, Einar certainly liked to keep company with seers.

  “I believe her,” Kodran said softly. “We should give her the benefit of the doubt.”

  He was right. What choice did they have anyway?

  “So, what’s next, Eydis?” Erica cocked her head. “Now that you’re in charge of our magical journey through the ancient world.”

  “We should move away from the tree,” she said softly. “It is drawing...attention.”

  Kodran gripped the Gungnir. “What kind of attention?”

  Soon enough they found out.

  “Where the hell am I?” came the first aggravated voice.


  “What on Earth?” came the next.


  “Oh no, this can’t be good.”


  “For fuck’s sake,” came the next mutter. “Where am I now?”


  “There you are, Sister,” came a soft murmur right beside her. “It is good to see you again Erica.”

  Her eyes whipped to the right, and she finally locked eyes with the sister she had walked away from a long time ago.


  Chapter Ten

  KODRAN REMAINED SILENT but worried as he took a tally of who had arrived. All of Erica’s siblings and none of their mates. He could only imagine the state of panic and fury his kin would be in having lost their women somewhere in time. But it seemed he had problems of his own as Kage, who he only knew through Erica’s mind, eyed him up and down with a frown.

  He knew Kage had done a great deal for his tribe and while tempted to greet him cordially, he got the impression Erica’s brother wasn’t about politeness but impact. So he crossed his arms, squared off and stayed blunt. “I’m Kodran. Erica’s mate.”

  “Yeah, so I heard.” Kage narrowed his eyes. “And how’s that going for you so far?”

  “It’s been difficult,” he said.

  When Kage’s brows perked in question, Kodran continued. “How did you expect me to respond considering she’s had to cope with Hallstein for so long?”

  Kage was clearly weighing what those words meant. “And what did she tell you about how she coped with him?”

  Kodran remained vague because he knew Erica kept her secrets closely guarded. But at the same time, and though Kage had done a lot, he felt a nugget of frustration. After Kage learned about Erica a few months ago, he had allowed her to keep doing what she had been doing with Hallstein. He had knowingly let her remain with that monster.

  “You tell me, Kage,” Kodran ground out. “You’re the one who’s been there in the twenty-first century. The one watching over her when I couldn’t. The one allowing her to risk her life day after day.”

  When Kage narrowed his eyes and stepped closer, Kodran did the same.

  “Enough, boys,” Erica bit out. “I don’t need anymore drama right now. And Kage...” She shot him a look of amazement. “Aren’t you just a little more concerned about meeting Eydis?”

  Kage frowned at her only to widen his eyes on Eydis when Erica introduced her.

  “Ma?” he whispered.

  When Eydis looked at him with confusion, Erica shook her head. “She’s not quite who we know yet, Bro. We’ll chat
later. Trust me, it’s a hell of a story.” Her eyes met his. “One I wonder if you didn’t already know.”

  “You know I didn’t,” he muttered. “Not to this extent anyway.”

  Though both kept glancing at Eydis, Samantha walked around the tree eying it with curiosity as Lauren contemplated it with as much fascination. Cybil and Shannon, however, were solely focused on Eydis.

  Eydis, meanwhile, seemed perfectly serene and clueless.

  Yet Kodran wondered.

  “So why are all my siblings here?” Erica frowned. “It seems a bit much doesn’t it?”

  Eydis said nothing but turned her eyes to the base of the tree. “Shelter comes soon then you will understand more.”

  “Shelter?” Erica shook her head. “You mean we’re all going to the...”

  Her words trailed off as white flashed around them and they ended up back at the base of the Gungnir blade cave. Everyone had traveled with them except the one person with all the answers. Eydis.

  “Oh, man,” Erica groaned as she frowned in dismay. “I seriously don’t need this right now.”

  Kodran had sensed her thoughts before, but now he seemed to follow them much more clearly.

  And what she didn’t need to deal with right now was her sister Cybil.

  She was fine with the rest.

  Or so she thought until every last sister turned on her with a frown. Kage flinched and shrugged from behind them as he mouthed, “Sucks to be you, Sis,” then winked.

  When Erica frowned, Kodran shifted closer and slipped his hand into hers.

  “Thank you for your support but no, Kodran,” she said into his mind before she pulled her hand away. “I have to do this on my own. They’re mad that I didn’t keep them in the loop and I get it.”

  He nodded but didn’t go too far.

  “Listen,” Erica started as she eyed her sisters. “I know I’ve been distant over the years and—”

  “Yeah, you’ve been distant all right,” Sam cut her off as she approached with a heavy frown. “Not telling us anything. Making us think you hated us so you could take on the enemy single-handedly.”

  Erica was about to defend herself but stopped. They weren’t saying what she thought they were going to. At least not Samantha.