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Viking Heart (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 3) Page 11

  Because Sean was his rival, in life or death.

  But he had no intention of making the same mistake he made earlier. Instead, he brushed the back of his knuckles over her cheek, smiled and said nothing.

  “Oooooh, look at those waves,” Kara cried as she came alongside, yanked off her dress and laughed. “Join me, Amber. Such fun to be had!”

  “Isn’t it freezing?”

  “Not with the magic of a demi-god available.”

  “Nice.” Amber perked a brow at him. “Do you mind?”

  “No need to ask.” He pulled away and yanked off his tunic. “As long as you don’t mind me joining you.”

  “Not at all.” She grinned and pulled off her boots, pants and tunic.

  He barely had a moment to enjoy her body before Kjar came in fast and tossed her over his shoulder as he ran into the water.

  Caught somewhere between pure fury and absolute happiness, Kol yanked off his boots and pants then raced after them.

  Chapter Eight

  Amber spit out water and laughed as Kjar lowered her from his shoulder and held her in his arms as he walked them through the crashing waves. “It really is sort of warm. Amazing.” She shook her head and eyed him. “You’re pretty darn powerful, aren’t you?”

  “Enough so,” he said.

  “And humble,” she murmured, still grinning at him as they treaded water. “Also pretty damn aroused. Do we need to go over the bedtime rules again?”

  Kjar snorted. “You assume my erection is for you.”

  “I know it is.”

  The demi-god grinned in return. “No, we don’t need to go over the bedtime rules. I will take no sex from you.”


  “Insist on?”

  She frowned.

  “Be curious about?”

  Amber laughed. “Sure, okay. Curious is a good enough word.” But she had to be sure so lost the humor. “Seriously, Kjar, are we good?”

  His eyes met hers and he nodded. “Rest assured, I will not take you, woman. This that we share is but part of what I am forced to feel.”

  Well, that was a weird answer. “Okay, care to elaborate?”

  “No,” he replied easily, a smile tossed her way before he let her go. “Besides, Kol is almost here and I’m not up for his bad mood.”

  Kol was in a bad mood? She found that hard to believe because she’d yet to see it…outside of him kicking that stranger’s ass earlier. But it was brief. Still, holy hell was it hot. Now that she was over being stunned, she could truly appreciate his flaming alpha male sexiness. Lying back, she was soon caught up in the feeling of drifting alongside several others. She stared up at a nearly full moon and a brilliant swath of stars, instantly spellbound by their unabashed glory.

  "Máni heitir með mönnum,en mylinn með goðum, kalla hverfanda hvél helju í, skyndi jötnar,en skin dvergar, kalla alfar ártala."

  Her eyes went to Kol as he floated alongside. “What did you just say and why did I hear it in what I assume is Norse?”

  The tip of his finger touched hers as he stared at the sky. “Because I wanted you to hear my native tongue, that which is kept from you by the stone.” His voice softened. “I gave you a portion of a poem.” He wrapped a few fingers around hers. “Moon it is called by men, the Ball by gods, the Whirling Wheel in Hel, the Speeder by giants, the Bright One by warves, by elves Tally-of-Years.”

  “You love the moon then,” she gathered.

  “Very much so.” He intertwined their fingers more firmly. “I find it powerful.”

  “I always did too,” she whispered and kept staring at the sky. “I wish it was full right now.”

  “It will be soon.” He squeezed her hand. “I hope you will be here to see it.”

  “Me too.”

  They chatted about random things for quite a while. Things they did and didn’t enjoy. His love for not only warring and boat building, but fishing and sailing. His dislike for certain methods of farming and more recently, their lack of raiding. Her love of music and artistry and what fueled her inspiration. Her dislike of thoughtless people and politics in general, the two topics unrelated of course.

  Eventually, they quieted. They didn’t look at each other but held hands, floated and got lost in the vast stars and swelling moon. She’d never experienced anything so enchanting and reveled as all signs of tension completely left her body. Amber had no idea how much time passed as they simply enjoyed one another’s company without saying a word. Honestly, the experience was a first for her.

  She jolted when his arm snaked beneath her lower back. “Sorry,” he whispered. “For a moment there I thought you were falling asleep.”

  “Not likely.” She pushed her hands through the water, overly aware of how close he was and all the hard flesh against her. “But thanks.”

  It had been too long since she’d had sex and her body instantly went into overdrive. So she separated herself from him and willed away her sharp arousal as she treaded water.

  Kol kept a steady grin on his face, but she suddenly got the impression it was forced even though his words sounded lighthearted. “Come, swim home with me.”

  Warmth spread through her at the way he said it, as though he meant to keep her. But as she swam toward shore guilt once more flared. Was it right to have feelings for Kol this soon? Had she truly mourned Sean enough?

  Amber swam harder, caught in the heavy swell of a wave. Typically a strong swimmer, she realized she wasn’t focused enough so swore at herself when the next wave caught her and she started to tumble. While she expected pain as the shore rushed up, she rolled once before Kol somehow managed to grab hold of her. She landed with a soft thump on her back, his body landing protectively over hers.

  Way too aware of the weight of his body against hers, she managed a breathy, “I’m okay,” as a thin layer of water rushed past them.

  Kol cupped her cheek and hung his head, words a deep rumble. “I know.” He paused. “But I don’t think I am.”

  She knew he wasn’t referring to his physical condition because that seemed just fine. They turned their heads at the same time and their lips hovered inches from one another’s. God, he’s going to kiss me. Am I ready for that? The water might be rapidly chilling, but her body was suddenly on fire as their eyes held. Her heart thrummed out of control. She’d never not wanted something while simultaneously wanting it so much.

  “There you are,” Veronica exclaimed.

  Amber tore her gaze from Kol and squinted up. “Hey, Sis.”

  “Hey.” Veronica appeared amused as she eyed them. “I see you’re taking the time to get to know my sister better, Kol.”

  Kol sighed then offered Veronica a crooked grin before he helped Amber up.

  Veronica’s eyes widened and she turned to Raknar. “Awe, hell, your brother needs to put on some clothes.”

  Raknar shook his head and frowned at Kol. “Not surprising.”

  “Amber sweetie, you seriously need to throw on some clothes too,” Veronica said over her shoulder. “You might as well be naked with those wet undergarments on.”

  Though Raknar averted his eyes, Amber didn’t miss the narrow-eyed look Kol threw him. Then those sinfully dark eyes made a slow, thorough sweep down her body.

  Trying to take the edge off of how strongly she was reacting to his lusty appraisal, Amber chuckled and started searching for her clothes. “C’mon Kol, nothing new here. You’ve already seen me naked.”

  Kol pulled on his pants, his words a little hoarse as he came up behind her. “Here are your clothes.”

  When she turned, he pulled her against him, dug his hand into her hair and murmured, “I want our moment back.”

  Then his warm lips closed over hers.

  Oh. My. God. Knees instantly weak, she didn’t know what hit her when his mouth opened and his tongue swept past her lips. For a split second, she thought about pulling away but when their tongues tentatively met then wrapped once, she knew she was done for. Blood rushed through
her veins so quickly a dull roar filled her eardrums.

  The kiss went from exploratory to ravenous in a heartbeat.

  She had never been kissed like this before. Like he was doomed to death and she was the last mouth he would ever taste. Amber dug her nails into his rock hard chest and clenched her thighs when pleasure burst to life between her legs.

  “Um, we’re still standing here,” Veronica said from somewhere far, far away.

  “But maybe we shouldn’t be,” Raknar said.

  “I want to spend some time with my little sister,” Veronica retaliated.

  Lost, consumed by one another, Amber couldn’t step away from Kol’s kiss even if she wanted to. And she didn’t want to. Hell, what woman would?

  Then something odd happened. Heated air rushed between them. Hot and startling, Amber had no choice but to push back from Kol. Panting heavily, she fought fear. “What the heck was that?”

  “Bad boy,” Raknar murmured and pulled Veronica’s back against his front, hand resting on her stomach. His expression seemed to be both stern and proud.

  Veronica offered Amber a not-so-apologetic shrug. “Sorry about that.” Her hand rested over Raknar’s. “Matthew tends to act on my emotions.”

  Amber got dressed. “Huh?”

  Kol growled in frustration, eyes never leaving Amber’s face. “The baby is too young to know how to control his dragon.”

  “Right.” Veronica offered her belly a soft smile. “So when I have strong emotions he tends to follow through on them.”

  “Seriously? That’s actually pretty cool…sort of.” Amber would have chuckled if she weren’t still so aroused. Nonetheless, her eyes met Raknar’s. “I guess you better be on your best behavior then, Dad.”

  Raknar grinned. “Even if our son had no dragon blood, I’ve learned it’s best to be gentle with your sister at this time.”

  Veronica twisted her lips and cocked a brow at him. “You say that as if I’ve been moody.”

  “Only the past fortnight or so,” he answered bluntly. But his eyes were remarkably loving as his lips closed over hers.

  “Uh, no,” Amber interrupted. “If we can’t kiss, neither can you.” She took Veronica’s hand and pulled her away. “You wanted some sister time right?” She ignored Raknar’s scowl and grinned at Veronica. “So what do you want to do?”

  Veronica eyed Amber’s hair. “It’s too damn cold out for your hair to be wet. Kol should’ve dried it.”

  A tingle raced over her scalp and her hair dried in an instant. She felt it and grinned as Veronica’s eyes widened.

  “Damn, Sis.” Amber smiled at Veronica’s belly. “Pretty powerful baby you’ve got there.”

  “Yeah, he is,” she whispered.

  They sat together on a log while the guys went for more ale.

  “Where’s Megan?” Amber asked.

  “Off doing queenly things with her husband,” Veronica said. “My guess is helping Naðr figure out who that guy is who tried to hurt you earlier.”

  “Ah, so you heard about that.”

  “Everyone has. Word travels fast around here.” Veronica surprised her when she took her hand. “Outside of the obvious Kol-induced bliss, how are you doing?”

  “I’m fine." But for some reason looking into her sister’s worried eyes made her falter. And though their relationship had always been a little strained, mainly because they were such different people, she found herself opening up. “Kind of fine I guess.”

  “You’re having trouble letting Sean go, aren’t you?” Veronica said softly.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “Not that you could probably tell after what you just saw between me and Kol.”

  Veronica seemed to consider her words carefully which hadn’t been her style in the least before. “Sweetie, you and Kol share a certain…amorous nature, so things are bound to happen. But that doesn’t dispel the fact that you were close to Sean and recently lost him.” She squeezed her hand. “You’re allowed to be confused right now. You’re allowed to be sad.”

  “I’ve been so sad for so long,” Amber murmured. “What sucks now is the guilt I feel over being happy…and about being attracted to Kol.”

  “Well, for starters, don’t feel bad about being attracted to Kol. Most women are,” Veronica said. “As to feeling guilty about being happy, let me ask you this, what would Sean have said if you told him that?”

  Amber’s throat thickened as she imagined him sitting here now. “He would want me to be happy.” She shook her head. “But I can’t stop thinking that he may have ended things because he knew I was meant for someone else. So I’m not sure he’d be in Kol’s corner if he was here now.”

  Veronica frowned. “What do you mean he ended things?”

  “Oh, right. I guess I forgot to mention that.” Amber sighed. “Sean broke up with me a few days before he vanished.”

  “Christ.” Veronica shook her head. “I can’t believe he finally got the balls to do it.”

  Amber’s eyes rounded. “What?”

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that.” Veronica pulled her hand away. “Listen, I’m just gonna be honest with you. Tough love time,” she warned. “I don’t care if you two had some sort of mutual, free-loving agreement; nobody deserves to be treated like that. The guy loved you, and what did you give him in return? Nothing. You just kept him on a string.”

  Speechless, she could only stare at her sister.

  Megan eyed them as she strolled out of the night and plunked down on Amber’s other side. “Uh oh, what’d I miss?”

  “Just Veronica back to being her usual bitchy self,” Amber spat, eyes narrowed on her pregnant sister. “And here I thought for a sec that you’d changed.”

  Megan handed Amber a skin of ale. “Here.” Then her eyes went to Veronica. “What’s up?”

  Veronica shrugged. “I just found out Sean had broken up with Amber before he vanished so I told her what I thought about that.”

  Megan flinched and drank before she turned surprisingly neutral eyes to Amber. “Sorry, little Sis, but I doubt you’d like my opinion much better.”

  Pissed, Amber started to stand but Megan grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down. “No running away this time.” Her eyes pinned Amber. “I know the truth isn’t easy to hear, but it’s out. I’ve never been thrilled with you loving and leaving Sean over the years. He’s my best friend and I know just how much it hurt him.”

  “So what, it’s time to dish out opinions now that it’s too damn late to change things,” Amber bit back.

  “Change things?” Megan’s brows shot up. “Would you have? And if so, when?”

  Amber took a long swig from her skin and kept her eyes on the fire. “I was about to the night he ended it.”

  A small silence stretched between them.

  “Care to elaborate?” Megan said.

  “I was going to tell him I loved him,” she said hoarsely.

  Again silence.

  “But did you really?” Veronica murmured. “Love him?”

  Amber rested her elbows on her knees and closed her eyes. “I’m pretty sure I did.”

  “Pretty sure.” Megan’s tone was dry. “Any chance you were feeling that way because he was the only one there after Veronica and I vanished?”

  “Probably. But a lot had to do with how comforting he was before he started acting so strange.” She kept staring into the fire. “Then there was just who he was. I’d never met another guy who made me so happy. I’d never met another guy who truly wanted to see me happy. I swear he tried to pull it out of me sometimes like he was addicted to it.”

  “Rough stuff,” Veronica muttered. “A guy addicted to making you happy.”

  “Enough,” Megan said softly and took Amber’s hand. “You know how we feel now. I think it’s safe to say you’re beating yourself up enough without us adding to it.”

  Lost in thought, Amber wasn’t really hearing them anymore. “I almost told him I loved him, but I just couldn’t do it. Then when I saw him
again after he vanished, it was all I could think about. All the things I didn’t say when I had the chance.”

  “When you saw him again?” Veronica said, sounding confused.

  “Yeah, in my house.” She shook her head and frowned. “He was staring out over the water like he’d lost his soul out there somewhere.”

  Megan frowned. “But I thought he’d vanished.”

  Amber blinked, torn from deep thought. “He did.”

  “Then how did you see him again?”

  “Oh.” Amber breathed deeply. “In a dream. It happened right before I traveled back in time.”

  So she told them about it.

  Megan nodded. “So that’s why most of the sketches on Kjar’s bed were a mix of Sean and Kol.”

  “Yup,” she murmured, bracing her forehead in her hands. “It was all so frigging strange. Seeing them standing there with an identical tattoo in the exact same spot.” She closed her eyes. “And seriously, what’s with 3:09 AM. First, I woke up at that time in my dream. Then when I woke up from the dream itself, it was the same time. Totally creepy.”

  “3:09,” Megan whispered and her hand clenched Amber’s tighter. “Are you sure it was 3:09?”

  “Of course I’m sure.” Alarmed, she looked at her older sister. “You don’t forget something like that.”

  “No, you don’t,” Megan agreed, an odd look in her damp eyes as they met Amber’s. “That was Sean’s official time of death when he nearly drowned three years ago.”

  “Impossible,” Amber whispered.

  Though she remained silent, Veronica clasped her other hand in both of hers.

  “He was a local, a friend, so they tried to resuscitate him for longer than usual but they stopped after twenty minutes or so,” Megan said, eyes staring into the past. “Ten minutes later, at approximately 3:39 he took a deep breath…and was alive again,” Megan said.

  “Jesus,” Veronica murmured.

  “I don’t understand.” Amber fought back panic as she looked at Megan for guidance. “Why the hell would that time pop up in my dream…then after?”

  Megan shook her head and though she might’ve seemed lost moments before, she straightened and clearly pulled herself together. “I’m not sure. Maybe Sean mentioned it to you at some point and you forgot or maybe it was your gift at work.”