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Viking King's Vendetta (Viking Ancestors: Rise of the Dragon Book 1) Read online

Page 10

  “Gods, why now?” she muttered, shaking her head. She could already hear Bodhran drums pounding in the Ancient’s Lair they were so close. She could smell the unique smoky scent of far too many virile male dragons in one place.

  “It will be all right,” Sven assured, catching up with her. “If you have any questions—”

  “Sven!” she interrupted him. “I don’t have any questions, and if I did, you’d be the last one I’d ask.”


  “Because...I don’t know.” She shook her head, not looking at him. “It’s not something I want to talk to you about is all.”

  In some ways, a dragon going into heat for the first time was as daunting as a girl getting her menstrual cycle for the first time. You were told what to expect, but it was still so strange and life-changing. In that female dragons typically did it in their twenties made it all that much more bizarre.

  “I’ll stay by your side when we arrive at the Ancient’s Lair,” he assured, clearly preparing himself for the worst based on his furrowed brows and downturned lips. “You’re already alluring but this...” He shook his head, obviously set to go to battle if need be. “No one will touch you that you don’t want touching you.”

  She stopped short at that, surprised. “You mean to say you’d let another male dragon lay with me if that’s what I wished?”

  If his jaw got any tighter, it might just snap off. Yet, he said what she needed to hear.

  “Yes.” He managed a jerky nod even as his dragon eyes flared in defiance. “We are friends, and I support you in all things. Even this.” His voice grew more strained. “You are a grown woman and a mature dragon. You should be able to make your own decisions. Especially about something so important.”

  Funny, she knew he was saying what she wanted to hear, but hell if it didn’t irk her. “You do realize male dragons can’t control pregnancy when female dragons are in heat?”

  “I am aware,” he said, his voice low and gravelly now. He was deeply distressed by this conversation but hanging in there. “I’m also aware that your behavior will change while in heat. You will grow more...aggressive.”

  “I’m aware.” She arched a brow. “Are you ready for that?”

  “I have little choice.” He went to take her hand but stopped, likely fearing a repeat of before. “Like it has always been between us, I will stand by your side and keep you safe. Not as a controlling friend but as one who understands this might be a difficult period of adjustment for you and you may need advice.”

  Appreciative, she eyed him for another moment before she nodded thanks and they kept moving along. The truth was she was in uncharted waters and couldn’t be more grateful he was here. Sure, it could get a bit tricky when she got all super lusty, but she knew Sven would keep her at arm’s length. He understood the boundaries she had set until she was ready.

  Yet as they continued on and she kept a discreet eye on his tattoo, she found herself more often looking at the muscular definition of his strong arms. At the width of his broad shoulders. Then her eyes would wander down his cut body, and she’d find herself wishing he wasn’t wearing that sleeveless tunic. Then they’d go lower, and she realized she could do without the leather pants too.

  Then her thoughts would go even further.

  How strong a dragon he was. How big and beautiful he became.

  She bit her lower lip hard and kept forcing herself to look ahead, well aware that it was beginning. That her thoughts were becoming far more erotic and at an alarming rate. More so, she realized that this all might be more than she was ready for when they arrived at the entrance to the massive tavern at the heart of the Ancient’s Lair. When far more dragon males than she anticipated looked her way.

  Even more daunting?

  Whether they were in human or dragon form, their dragon eyes were flaring fire, and their need for her was frighteningly instantaneous.

  Chapter Eleven

  FOR THE FIRST time in his life, Sven’s vision hazed red, and his dragon took control, shifting him without his consent. While at first, he was a little thrown, it didn’t take him long to agree with his inner beast’s assessment as he stood in front of Emily, eyed every male in there, bared his teeth and growled in warning.

  “You all know my kin, Emily,” came a loud, sharp voice. “You are not to go near her.” Vivienne’s eyes flashed dragon as she stepped between Sven and the rest of them. “If you do, you will be banished if not worse. Do you understand?”

  He thought Vivienne was at the Keep but couldn’t be more grateful to see her. She’d been in charge of the ancient Sigdir’s years ago when they had been in modern day New Hampshire, and continued to reign supreme here.

  Her husband Kage, in dragon form, stood behind Vivienne, his voice a telepathic roar in every male dragon’s mind as he repeated, “Do you understand?”

  Some dragons hissed and bared their teeth before agreeing, but soon enough all backed down and returned to what they’d been doing. Not to say hundreds of lustful eyes didn’t still watch Emily intently.

  “Aunt Viv, I didn’t know you were gonna be here!” Smiling broadly despite what she had just faced, Emily embraced Vivienne then Kage after he shifted.

  Both Viv and Kage had spent ample time in the future. Kage was born and raised there, eventually moving to Virginia and teaming up with the enemy incognito during the last war. To this day, he still had a Southern accent which delighted Emily to no end.

  “It’s okay now,” Vivienne assured Sven, who had yet to shift back. “They won’t go near her.”

  “Unless she wants them to,” he replied dutifully into their minds before he shifted. Vivienne and Kage glanced at him in surprise before they urged Emily and Sven to follow. Their incredulous looks weren’t a huge shock. Everyone had always assumed Sven and Emily would end up together, so him being okay with her taking another dragon was certainly unexpected.

  Yet he was thinking way deep down where Emily couldn’t hear him that he would let them near her over his dead body. She was in heat, and that meant he would protect her more fiercely than ever now. Within days, she would barely know her own mind, but he did. He knew his Emily better than anyone and knew full well she would not want any other male near her but him.

  He had never been so close to doing a number of things to her back there when he caught her unmistakable scent. While it had changed with maturity anyway, what she was putting off now was by far, the best thing he had ever smelled. It seemed to seep into his every pore and fill him with an unquenchable need that put the rampant lust he felt before to shame. No, this kind of violent ardor was fueled by his dragon with the sole purpose of procreating. Over and over until she carried his offspring and no others.

  He wanted to claim her as his mate.

  Always. Forever. Right now if he could.

  Which made him wonder fleetingly if he was the best choice to keep an eye on her. But who else could as well as him? No one. Simple as that.

  They entered Vivienne and Kage’s private chamber where the others were already sitting around a fire. Basic in design, the cave hosted a sizeable bed in the corner, a few large bowls hanging from the ceiling with fire crackling in them and several chairs.

  “Ahh, I recognize that scent,” came Vigdis’ all-too-familiar and very sultry voice as she sauntered their way and looked at Emily knowingly. “No wonder all those handsome dragons are in such an uproar.”

  With jet black hair formerly streaked with white-blond, Vigdis was a stunning if not challenging woman. Having been partially possessed during the last war, they had hoped she might act more normal once free, but not so much. Her avid lust was relentless and in his opinion, tiring. Other dragons, namely his brother and the majority of his cousins, didn’t agree. Especially Davyn as he eyed her as though he hadn’t already had her. It didn’t matter in the least that she was double his age.

  “Vigdis, so good to see you,” Emily replied, smiling warmly as she embraced the seer. Unlike most women, Emily
never had any issues with Vigdis and found her wanton ways amusing. They didn’t bother her at all. To each his own, she said. But then she’d never been threatened by those lusty ways, had she?

  Now, in her current state of increasing heat, he wondered if she might see things differently. Yet Vigdis tended to steer clear of Sven so maybe not. He assumed the seer kept her distance because his father was always warning her away from his sons, not to mention her genuine love for Emily. Like everyone who knew her, Vigdis had been charmed by her since the beginning.

  And Emily, even in the seer’s eyes, was meant to be with Sven.

  So imagine his surprise when Vigdis turned his way and purred, “You look more and more like your father every day, don’t you, handsome?” She sauntered around him, trailing a finger along his chest, shoulder, and then back to his chest again as she eyed him up and down. “I think far too much time has passed without me paying attention to you.”

  Both Sven and Emily narrowed their eyes at the seer. Emily, however, went one step further going perfectly still, as her inner dragon flared in her steely gaze.

  “What are you doing?” he growled under his breath.

  “Taking advantage of an opportunity,” Vigdis murmured so softly only he caught it. He tensed when her hand wandered dangerously close to his cock.

  When her eyes met his, and she winked, he realized what she was up to. She was doing this on purpose to make Emily jealous. To force her to take him as her mate. What neither of them expected, unfortunately, was for her to whip a dagger at Vigdis without saying a word. No, she skipped the small talk and went straight into action.

  The seer spun and deflected it with magic, but not before they caught the flare of black in Emily’s dragon eyes. His tattoo began burning almost simultaneously. Not as bad this time but there.

  Everyone stood, concerned.

  Fenrir began whimpering and growling. “I cannot reach Emily. She is...with someone.”

  Who? Sven tried to contact her as well but got no response.

  This wasn’t just her dragon at work but something else.

  His inner dragon went on high alert, responding to both her dragon’s intense show of possession when she whipped that dagger and the flicker of darkness that still churned within her. It felt so entirely at odds with her happy spirit. So opposite of what she was. Terrified, determined to help her, he started heading her way, but Vigdis stopped him and shook her head. “I must handle this, dragon.”

  Though it was beyond difficult not rushing to Emily’s side something in the seer’s eyes stilled him. Made him trust her. Vigdis’ attention turned Emily’s way, and her eyes narrowed as she considered her for what was likely seconds but felt like ages. When she finally closed the distance, she cupped Emily’s shoulders, her flirtatious nature gone as she peered at her.

  “I am sorry, child,” she said softly, searching Emily’s eyes, “dragon.” She kept peering into Emily’s dragon eyes as though looking into her soul. “I will not go near your mate again. You have my word. Now go protect your human, dragon. You are the only one who can. Help her step away.”

  That’s when he figured out what was happening. Emily was in contact with a dark spirit. Something she usually handled easily because of her inner beast but right now that beast was distracted because it was in heat.

  And being jealous of Vigdis had not helped any.

  Despite the seer's request, Sven joined them, unable to hold back. He reached into Emily’s pocket, grabbed the carving of her, pressed in into her palm and wrapped her fingers around it. Meanwhile, his inner dragon flailed about it was so disgruntled by the situation.

  “Emily,” Vigdis murmured. Her eyes never left Emily’s face. “We’re right here. Release the spirit and come to us.”

  In reality, no one was better qualified than Vigdis to handle this sort of thing. But Sven refused to be anywhere but by Emily’s side as he wrapped his hand around hers, willing her back.

  “Emily,” he said telepathically. “Can you hear me? Please hear me.”


  At least at first.

  Then he heard something. Faint, distant words.

  “Sven?” She sounded so far away. “I can barely hear you.”

  “I’m here. I’ll always be here,” he replied. “Squeeze your right hand. Remember how close I am. Look at me. I’m right here.”

  At first, there was nothing. Time ticked by slowly. Far too slowly.

  Then finally, thankfully, her hand squeezed the carving.

  “There you are,” Vigdis whispered as she cupped Emily’s cheeks, closed her eyes and began chanting. Moments later, her eyes shot open and the darkness that had been swimming in Emily’s eyes churned in hers.

  The seer closed her eyes again, staggered back, and then coughed the same blackness out of her mouth before her eyes shot open. Then she flung her arms out and began chanting. As she did an oily mass shaped much like a dragon writhed and squirmed on the floor until it faded and vanished. When it did, the burning sensation fled Sven’s tattoo and the dragons became a smidge more colorful.

  Sven pulled Emily into his arms when she began to tremble.

  “It’s okay,” he murmured, cupping the back of her head as she pressed her cheek against his chest. “Vigdis took care of it.”

  “And you,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around him. “You were the one that brought me back.”

  “You must be strong now, child,” Vigdis said softly, touching Emily’s back in added comfort. “Stronger than you’ve ever been. For this is very old and powerful magic you all face. An unfathomable enemy that will not only test you and your mate but everyone you care about.”

  Emily released a ragged breath as she held on to him for a moment longer before she pulled away and nodded at Vigdis. “I understand.”

  Vigdis eyed her with uncertainty, the polar opposite of the seer they all knew. But then, she had always been this way with Emily, hadn’t she? Loving and nurturing when it was not typically in her nature.

  “I already apologized to your dragon, Emily,” Vigdis continued. “But I will do so to you as well.” She looked from Sven to Emily, shocking not just him but his kin with her ever changeable behavior. “I should not have attempted to make you jealous. I only did as much so that you would finally embrace the happiness you deserve. That you and Sven both deserve.”

  “Probably not the best way to have gone about it,” Emily whispered, still gathering herself. “But I forgive you.”

  Vigdis nodded. “Good.” And that was that. “Now you must come sit and tell us what happened. Then I will tell you what we seers have learned.”

  Emily nodded, not releasing Sven’s hand as they joined the others around the fire. Though physical contact with her no matter how minor aroused his dragon, it seemed to be on its best behavior at the moment. Probably because it had her back safely and was recovering on some level just like he was.

  Sven and Emily welcomed mugs of ale when Håkon handed them over. Her brother was clearly rattled, his skin slightly sheened because of his dragon’s distress. Though initially upset as well, Davyn seemed to be bouncing back just fine as he eyed Vigdis with renewed interest. No doubt because he just saw another side of her. And nothing was more compelling than thinking he had someone figured out when he didn’t.

  Emily took a few sips from her mug before she shared what had happened. “One second I was, well, feeling jealous of Vigdis, then I was mad at her, then...” She shook her head. “Then I was someplace else. Sort of a cross between Helheim and some other place.” She clenched Sven’s hand. “A fiery world filled with incredible power.”

  “Múspellsheimr,” Vigdis said softly. “How did that world make you feel, Emily?”

  “A mix of things actually,” she replied. “Frightened but happy. Curious but cautious.”

  “Yes, I imagine it would make you feel all those things plus more,” Vigdis said. “It is the home world of your inner dragon. Your ancestor’s place of origin.�
�� She tilted her head in question. “Yet you say you were also in Helheim. So you were in both worlds at once?”

  “It felt that way. I may have even been in all three worlds toward the end before Sven got through to me.” Her eyes drifted to his as she let him in. “Can you see my memories? Do you see what I saw?”

  He did his very best to keep a calm expression and his heartbeat normal when looking through her mind’s eye. Not only because of the heightened lustful connection they shared when their thoughts merged, but because of what she had just witnessed. A windswept black and white world merged with curling flames and spitting fire.

  She and Håkon swore Midgard dulled in comparison to Helheim with its remarkably beautiful and vibrant colors, but he never saw Hel's world that way. Rather, it was cold and lifeless, as death must be. But Múspellsheimr, with its blazing heat and raging power, appealed to his inner dragon greatly.

  Until that is, he sensed something coming from it.

  Swimming underground, a serpent drew closer as if sniffing out prey. As if drawn to Emily. She, in turn, stood her ground as it rose up and up, a mighty black shadowy dragon backdropped by the roaring flames of its homeland. Its piercing, fiery eyes narrowed on her in fury and defiance.

  “You will not stop them,” it roared. “Nothing will.”

  “Though it was furious with me, it was also...mesmerizing somehow,” Emily said as her eyes returned to everyone and she allowed them to see what Sven just had. “I could have looked at it forever...him. He was definitely male. The largest dragon I’ve ever seen.”

  “And he knew you were mesmerized by him,” Kjar murmured as his eyes went to Vigdis. “That was not the enemy, was it?”

  “It depends on what you define as the enemy,” she replied. “But no, that was by no means the double-headed serpent in disguise.” Her steady gaze went to Sven and Emily. “That was the great serpent Níðhöggr reaching out from his grave of Helheim via his home world to send a very clear message.”

  Her voice deepened in warning as she went on. “You will not stop his descendants. You’ll not stop Sage and her sisters. They are part of his prophecy, and they will be going to war. They will be resurrecting his long-standing vendetta with his arch enemy.”


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